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Taehyung followed Jimin into the cafe owned by Namjoon's parents. There weren't many people there just friends and Namjoon's family. Speaking of Namjoon... The older was currently arguing with Jin. 





People awkwardly stared at the pair bickering. The only people seeming unaffected were Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook. 

Yoongi was sitting at a booth on his computer with headphones in. Hoseok sitting beside him and holding a latte up to him every minute or so, so that the older could drink. Making idle conversation despite the commotion.

Jungkook sat in a corner tucked away and hiding under baggy clothing and a windbreaker. His nose dug in a book. Taehyung only noticing just then that a girl was sitting across the booth with him. 

Taehyung hopped over to the table with a boxy smile. "Hey Jungkook!"

Jungkook jumped at the sound of Taehyung's voice. Placing his book down as he sat upright. "Hi."

The conversation almost died off if it weren't for the girl that spoke up. "You guys look like you have some unresolved issues..." She hummed.

Taehyung and Jungkook both looked at her and blinked a few times.

"Oh! I'm Kim Ami by the way. Namjoon's sister. I'm going to go knock some sense into my brother." The girl told quickly getting up.

"Didn't know you were seeing someone." Taehyung hummed awkwardly.

"What? Ami? Oh god no... NO. No... No, no, no." Jungkook quickly corrected. "Ami is like a sister to me. She's quite talkative and rambles a lot. I don't think I could handle all her energy. You two would actually do well together." Jungkook told looking up and meeting Taehyung's eyes.

"Oh- Wait no- I'm not..." It was Taehyung's turn to correct Jungkook now. "I'm... y'know." Taehyung did a little wrist flick. "Gay. I thought that was obvious." 

Jungkook let out a silent 'O' as he gave a nod. "I'm... It's complicated... Somewhere on the spectrum we'll say that..." He hummed pushing his long hair out of his face.

Taehyung was finally able to see Jungkook's pretty doe like eyes. Letting out a small coo. He looked pretty attractive, he wouldn't deny that. Before he could continue talking there was an eruption of chaos. 

"JIN NO NOT THE CRAB!" Namjoon yelled as his Dad, Jimin, and his sister held him back.

"THE CRAB IS ALREADY DEAD NAMJOON! CAN'T WE JUST EAT IT?" Jin yelled back being held back by Namjoon's mom, as well as Yoongi and Hoseok. 




With the help of Taehyung and Jungkook they were finally able to break the fight up. Also giving Taehyung the opportunity to slip away with Jin to interogate him about Jungkook.

"So... About Jungkook..." Taehyung hummed as he kicked at the floor. "I wanna know more about him."

Jin raised an eyebrow. "Why? Can't you just ask him?"

"He doesn't seem to like me."

"Ah. Yeah, Jungkook is pretty closed off. He takes a lot of patience to be around but at the core he's a good person. He looks intimidating but he's a little bunny." Jin hummed with a smile. 

Taehyung nodded, figuring as much, glancing at Jungkook who was talking to Namjoon. "Is there a reason he doesn't like being touched? Like at all? He looks like he wants to jump off the planet after shaking someones hand." 

Jin nodded. "There is. I won't say anything because Jungkook might murder me for telling you. But there is a reason. You just have to be careful around him and give him his space. Like Yoongi. But somehow less touchy. Yoongi will still share kinship, he'll just complain the whole time but won't stop either. Jungkook just... Doesn't like it." 

Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek. "Alright." He looked back at Jungkook, feeling a little bad for being so clingy at first. Although not all of it was intentional. It just came naturally to him. How he'd cling to whatever person was closest without actually realizing what he was doing. It's like his limbs had a mind of his own.

He'd try to be more aware of his actions.

In the meantime while Taehyung was talking to Jin, Jungkook was talking to Namjoon.

"How are you adjusting now that you've taken classes?" Namjoon asked as he tried to calm himself down. How could Jin want to COOK and EAT a crab? A sweet little crab? He didn't even like seafood. Was he the only Korean who actually like Korean food in his friend group? He could tolerate some fish but not the crab. The poor crab.

Jungkook shrugged. "Weird. No one talks and I feel out of place." 

"I thought you don't like people talking to you." Namjoon chuckled. "Ami can get a little crazy, but I'm pretty sure she's in love with some kpop idol named Beomgyu from TXT. But her bias changes so often I can't keep up." 

Jungkook shrugged again. "I don't like people talking to me. Not outside of my terms anyway. I don't like change..."

"How are you doing with Taehyung in the dorms?" Namjoon asked as he began to sort the creamers on the table into their difference respective flavors. 

Jungkook let out a groan. "Complicated. My space is invalded. Why can't I curl up in a corner alone?"

Namjoon chuckled again showing his dimples as he accidentally knocked down his tower of coffee creamers. "Because life requires you to be social."

"I'll be a hermit."

"Well- If you wish..."

"I suppose it was nice to talk to him today. He seemed calmer. Less touchy and in my face." Jungkook sighed looking over to Taehyung. Maybe he was too rude to him. NO! It was fine, Taehyung needed to learn his boundaries! He could have been better at stating them... NOPE, Taehyung was just a clingy person. 

Jungkook continued to have an internal battle with himself about his own reasons for his boundaries and being too harsh to Taehyung and avoiding him like the plague (Or COVID) for the next week. 

He didn't like to admit it but he was starting to feel more comfortable around Taehyung.

For the better or for the worse.


Sorry I meant to update this yesterday but I fell asleep in the middle of writing it. I'm still debating on lengthing this book from it's current 22 planned chapters or not. I'm worried about dragging it out like I did with Winter Pillows. So... We'll see what happens. 

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