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Jungkook grumbled as he went through his camera, some of the recent photos having come out blurry. He was mainly stressed about the portfolio that he had to turn in at the end of the semester.

Growth... How was he supposed to showcase growth in a unique way? Something with a deeper meaning.

"You can stop posing y'know..." Jungkook pointed out to Taehyung.

Taehyung chuckled as he stood up from his place on the small ledge of plants. "Aww, let me have my fun!" He whined. "I like modeling."

"Mhm..." Jungkook hummed quietly as he clicked through a few more photos.

"I have a good photographer though." Taehyung praised as he craned his neck to see some of Jungkook's pictures.

Jungkook flashed a smile. "Mmm... When are you going to show me some of your art to make up for it? I hear you talk about it all the time."

"There's a process involved!" Taehyung pouted. "I promise I'll show you my current project once it's done." He said holding out his pinkie. 

Jungkook rolled his eyes at the seemingly childish gesture. Hooking his pinkie onto Taehyung's, not minding the small touch. "Okay then." 

"Any news about what's happening with Namjoon and Jin?" Taehyung questioned with a small sigh as he checked his phone for messages.

Jungkook shook his head. "No... Unfortunately... I swear it's like they dropped off the face of the planet in the past few days." Jungkook paused as his eyes widened. "You don't think one of them murdered the other and fled the country right?"

Taehyung shot Jungkook a look of concern. "No... At least... I really hope not." Taehyung muttered as they both stood in silence for a minute before making their way to the small cafe.

The cafe actually felt like a cafe for once. Quiet. Peaceful. Serene... It felt off.

"Any word from Namjoon or Jin?" Taehyung asked again as he slotted himself across from Yoongi and Hoseok. The other two both shook their heads. 

"TAEHYUNG HELP!" Everyone's eyes flicked toward the door where Jimin came running in and hid behind his soulmate. 

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "What is it Jiminie?"

"I keep telling this bitch I'm aro and she doesn't believe me! She thinks I 'just haven't found the right one' or 'need time to get to know someone' just hide me!" Jimin pleaded as he slid underneath the table of the booth. 

Sure enough, a girl poked her head into the cafe scanning around the crowd before dipping back out and heading down the street. 

"She's gone Jimin," Jungkook said clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth. 

"Oh thank god!" Jimin breathed out a sigh of relief. Crawling up from under the table with dramatic heaving sounds. "Any news on Namjoon or Jin?"

"No." The group repeated back with a loud sigh.

"Something needs to be done about them!" Jimin huffed crossing his arms.

Yoongi took one of his earbuds out. "Just ask Ami." He said before putting it back in and eating a tangerine slice. 

The other four quickly flicked their heads over to the girl who was sitting in the corner organizing her TXT photocards. 

"Ami!" Hoseok called gesturing for her to come over to their table. The girl then gestured for them to come over to her, pointing down at her photocards with a sassy glare. 

"Yeah, she's not moving..." Jungkook sighed as he got up and shuffled his way over to Ami. The other's following, with the exception of Yoongi who stayed in the booth eating tangerines and working on assignments.

"What is it?" She asked carefully sliding a photocard into a plastic covering.

"Do you know where your brother is?" Hoseok asked. "We're worried about him."

"I may..." Ami hummed. "And I MAY want a damn Taehyun photocard!" She grumbled in frustration. 

Jungkook sighed. "Well... I'm sorry about your Taehyun photocard but we're really worried can you at least tell us if he's okay?"

Ami nodded. "He is... I believe he is..."

"You believe he is?" Jimin asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"He asked me not to say anything to anyone." Ami shrugged. 

"So you listened?" Jimin wondered astonished. 

Ami shrugged again. "Not at first. But then he gave me a signed HueningKai card so... My silence is bought." 

"Damn..." Jungkook grumbled knowing that Ami wasn't going to crack after that.

Although they didn't need her to because Namjoon and Jin entered the cafe. 

All of them rushed over to them bombarding them with questions about where they've been and if they're okay and if they are doing better as a couple.

"Guys, guys... Please calm down..." Namjoon nervously chuckled. "We didn't break up. And we're actually a lot stronger now." 

"Well spill the tea! We were worried at least give us a good story!" Jimin huffed.

Namjoon did that same fake laugh he did when he was trying to avoid questions. "I'm sorry I can't answer that. But just know we took a few days off for ourselves. Away from friends, family, stress, and work... So we could talk things over and really focus on understanding each other." 

They nodded in understanding.

Jin hummed as he held onto Namjoon's arm tightly. "It came down to some comfort issues and insecurities... But we're okay now... I think we just needed to get away from everyone for a day or two... We love everyone but... It can be a lot..." 

"Comfort and insecurities?" Jungkook questioned softly.

Jin nodded. "Yeah, I mean we all have boundaries and insecurities... I guess it's just a matter of understanding and working with something. And when you can understand those things or move past those things then it kinda... Feels like you aren't so blocked up."

Jungkook looked down at his shoes. "Blocked up..." He repeated softly. Blocked up described it pretty well. He knew Jin was talking about himself but he couldn't help but think of his own situation. 

Understand... Move past...

His eyes flicked over to Taehyung. 

Namjoon pecked Jin's cheek. "Well said. That was part of it... But now that we realized there are also some things we'd like to keep between us we grew a lot too. I just realized some things I can only trust Jin with... And that isn't the fault of anyone else... It's just my feelings, but it doesn't make me dishonest for wanting it that way."

Jungkook rubbed his arms a few times as he listened to his hyung's words. Some things... Can only trust with... Not the fault of anyone else...

Jungkook took a few deep breaths. "Hey, Taehyung..."


"High five?" 


So remember how I said that there were less than 10 chapters left in the book? Well... Might have added more... Oops? Which is another reason for the delay in updates because I had to redo my chapter mapping. 

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