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Taehyung swayed back and forth as he worked on his painting. Lost in his own world as he let the brush move on its own free will. His lips parting as he sang to himself as he worked. "How could I know... One day I'd wake up feeling more... But I had already reached the shore... Guess we were ships in the night... Night, night..." 

Taehyung muttered as he licked his lips to wet them. "Hooo, hoo, hooo... hoo, hoo. Hoo, hoo, hoo-"


"HA-" Taehyung flinched flinging his paintbrush back at himself as it drew a line of golden paint down his white shirt. 

"Oops..." Jimin muttered scratching the back of his neck. "Sorry I didn't realize you'd be working."

Taehyung shrugged. "It's fine, it didn't ruin the painting, so... I'm okay." He said wiping his hands off with a damp towel, dabbing away the excess paint on his shirt. 

"Oooh! Can I see?" Jimin chirped skipping over to the painting. 

"It's not done yet!" Taehyung insisted but Jimin looked anyway. Jimin stood in front of the canvas for a minute, a hand under his chin. Occasionally opening his mouth as if to say something but choosing to cover his mouth instead. "Uhm... Do you... Not like it?" 

"No! No! No!" Jimin quickly assured. "It's just... What's the name? Of the painting?"

"Son of Aphrodite... Why?" Taehyung questioned as he looked at the painting. Was it that bad? Oh god... What if he royally fucked up? He needed to do this for a good grade on his assignment. 

Jimin nodded as he stayed silent for a few more moments. "Well... Uh... Did you intend for it to look like Jungkook?" 

Taehyung flashed Jimin a puzzled expression. "What? No! It doesn't look like Jungkook!" He insisted turned the painting his way as he scanned his eyes over it. "Oh my god, it looks like Jungkook..."


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"Uh... Do you... Like? Jungkook?" Jimin asked.

"What? No! No! No!" Taehyung insisted. "This-" He said gesturing to the painting. "Just... Kinda happened?"

Jimin pressed his hands together in front of his face as he breathed in deeply. "So... When picturing the son, of the goddess of love and beauty... You just happened to think of Jungkook?" Jimin asked.

"Not intentionally..."

"You aren't helping your case it's worse that it happened unintentionally." 

Taehyung sputtered as he looked at the painting again. "So... I painted Jungkook, doesn't mean I like him. Besides it's not like he's actually Aprodites son."

Jimin clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. "So you don't think Jungkook is good-looking enough to be the son of a goddess of love and beauty?"

"What?! I never said that!"

"So, you think he's pretty?" Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, sure?" Taehyung questioned.

"Yes you agree, he's pretty." The older of the two smirked.

"Wait no?"

"Oh, so you don't find him attractive?"

"I guess not?"

"So you're calling him ugly?"

"NO!" Taehyung insisted. "I find him objectively attractive, maybe..."

"How dare you compare him to an object!" Jimin put a hand on his chest in fake offense.

Taehyung groaned as he rolled his eyes. "You're a pain in the ass to argue with, you know that?" 

Jimin chuckled. "Thank you. In all seriousness, do you like him?"

Taehyung sighed. He really didn't know how to answer the question. "I'm really not sure..."

"Do you think of him often?" Jimin asked.

"I guess?" 

"Do you want to see him happy?"

"Of course."

Jimin hummed. "Do you want to share a lot of your favorite activities with him?"

Taehyung shrugged. "We already kinda do? I join him when he takes photos and I like talking about art with him. We visit the cafe a lot..."

"It sounds like you like him," Jimin told with a shrug.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "How would you know? You're aromantic." 

Jimin stuck out his bottom lip as he thought for a moment before giving another shrug. "I guess it's because those are the things I'm lacking... I still want to see people happy, but... It isn't my goal to make sure one specific person is happy. Not... in that way..."

"Well... My feelings for Jungkook could be purely platonic then." Taehyung sighed as he glanced over at the painting for the umpteenth time.

Jimin sighed. "Alright, um... Let me try and explain it better then. Take you and me for example. We've been friends for a really long time right?"

"Yeah?" Taehyung questioned, wondering what Jimin's point was.

"I want to see you happy. You want to see me happy. We both like spending time with each other." Jimin said carefully as he waited for Taehyung's response, to which the younger nodded. "But, I would never want to be romantically involved. It's out of the picture really. The mere thought of dating you is just... No... Not that I don't like you, I just don't like you in that way..."

"Thank you for friend-zoning me." Taehyung joked as Jimin pinched his arm.

"I mean, I wouldn't kiss you. I wouldn't sleep with you. Naked sweaty body pressed against me, hell no! Anyway, I'm getting side-tracked... I mean, if Jungkook offered, you would probably say yes right?" 

Taehyung thought for a moment. "I mean, I think?" 

Jimin chuckled. "Alright, I'll drop the topic. Let's go get lunch." He hummed.

Taehyung agreed and went to wash the paint off his hands. Once he got down wiping them off with a towel he heard the door click open again.

"Hyung?" Jungkook poked his head in.

Taehyung hadn't got a chance to see him up and awake before he left for classes for the day. Now standing before him in his thick slightly baggy clothing, and his poofy hair pulled back behind his ears. "Uh... Um... Y-yeah?" 

Jimin choked out a laugh as he desperately tried to keep quiet, watching the two of them interact. 

"Namjoon-Hyung wanted me to come and find you because he and the others are planning on going out for lunch and was wondering if you wanted to join." Jungkook chirped.

Taehyung cleared his throat as he nodded. "Yeah, Jimin and I were about to go eat, we'll join." He said as he shot a slightly panicked look towards his friend. 

"Great!" Jungkook hummed as he turned on his heels and left the classroom.

Taehyung let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

God, he was in trouble... 

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