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Jungkook groaned as he let his head fall forward with a loud thump as it hit his desk. He needed to turn in his portfolio but was having no motivation whatsoever to do so.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked from across the room.

"I'm fine," Jungkook mumbled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I just hate working." 

"Well, I can agree with you on that." Taehyung hummed. "Want to go to the cafe?" He offered.

Jungkook shook his head. "No, I don't think I want to deal with all of my hyungs fighting today." 

Taehyung gave a small nod in understanding. "That's understandable. Do you really think they'll be able to get together?" 

"I really hope so. If they can understand that they like each other." Jungkook muttered. "But sometimes I worry with all their fighting..."

"I mean, you said yourself they never fight about serious things. And they always make up." Taehyung told putting his book down. 

Jungkook shrugged as he rested his chin on the desk once more. "I know. I've just been thinking a lot about love recently." 

Taehyung sat up fully as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "Why? Like any reason in particular."

Jungkook sat back up. "Not sure. High five?" He questioned bending back in his chair to give one to the older. "Maybe it's because of this little self-experiment... exposure therapy... Thing..." 

"What about it?"

"I just mean... If I get over it... Maybe I can finally have a relationship with someone? After I won't be disgusted by human contact, then... That won't be a dealbreaker right?" Jungkook questioned, that is if he did. So far he had made progress with Taehyung.

He hadn't made progress with anyone else. Even with years of knowing Namjoon and Jin he wasn't as comfortable with them as normal people would be. Jungkook sighed as he pulled his sweater sleeves down over his hands. Even with his progress of baby steps. It still felt slow. 

"Taehyung..." Jungkook said snapping out of his thoughts. "Hug me." He requested.

Taehyung inched over to Jungkook wrapping his arms around him. Briefly enjoying the skinship before Jungkook quickly shoved him off.

"Damnit- No! No! NO! Let go!" Jungkook grumbled as he flopped on his bed. "It's okay Jungkook... There are plenty of options. Like puppies. Yeah, I'll just live in the forest with a pack of wolves. That'll be good." Jungkook told himself rather hopelessly. 

"You don't need to live out in the forest. You're working on it right?" Taehyung reasoned as he sat next to Jungkook's bed on the floor.

"Too slowly! I'm unloveable..." Jungkook groaned as he covered his face.

Taehyung's eyes widened. "WHOA WHOA! How do you jump from, touching people makes me uncomfortable to being unlovable?" He asked.

"People don't love me Taehyung... They never have. They never will... No one wants to take the time to work with me and my weirdness." Jungkook said as he looked at the older who was biting his cheek. 

Taehyung sighed unsure of what to say. "I'm here." He spoke softly, his natural voice that was deeper and softer than the one he used in everyday life. It made startled Jungkook who moved closer to Taehyung. "I know we had our rough patches at the start. But... I'd like to think I'm patient with you now..."

Jungkook was still so shocked at Taehyung's voice he couldn't say anything coherently. "I mean... That's... Thank you?" He muttered.

"Namjoon and Jin have been with you for... Years? And they love you despite your... As you call it 'weirdness'." Taehyung pointed out doing air quotes.

"But... That's not love..." Jungkook mumbled.

"Sure it is."

Jungkook jumped at Taehyung's words as if they were harmful. But they were just words from Taehyung's mouth. Nothing dangerous. "Huh?" He questioned.

Taehyung let out a small chuckle standing up from the floor. "Of course it's love. Maybe not the kind that gets your dick hard but... Still love."

Jungkook cracked a smile at Taehyung's remark. "I mean... I guess you have a point. But even then... I don't think anyone would like me like that either. I'll die alone." 

"Stop saying that!" Taehyung huffed as he stuck his tongue out. "I know you don't like being touched but you need some sense knocked into you. So... This will do!" Taehyung chirped as he hurled a pillow directly at Jungkook's face. 

"Arg! Was that necessary?" Jungkook asked throwing the pillow back at Taehyung. 

Taehyung nodded as he caught the pillow and threw it back on his bed. "All I'm saying is... Look at the people around you that are in your life. If someone like me, who is your clingy annoying roommate can put effort into understanding what you are and are not comfortable with... The person who loves you, like really loves you, will do all that and more. So... Don't lose hope."

"Wow..." Jungkook said with a small smile, Taehyung's words starting to sink in. "That was..."

"TOTALLY INSPIRATIONAL RIGHT?" Taehyung asked excitedly. "I should brag to Jimin I came up with that off the top of my head. He always says he's the one with deep thoughts but look who is acting all philosophical now!" 

Jungkook's smile widened seeing Taehyung behave more like he had normally seen of him. He liked Taehyung's more relaxed side but he knew this was Taehyung at his core. Happy sharing the things he likes. Happy about his friends. Excitable. Accepting of himself. 

"Hey... High five?" Jungkook asked holding his hand out. "Up top?" In which Taehyung gave him a high-five. "Down low?" He questioned before pulling a 'Too slow'. on Taehyung.

Taehyung had betrayal written all over his face. "You know in hundreds of years I never thought you would pull a 'too slow' on me."

"I guess you have more to learn about me then..."

"Aw, are you too cool for me?"

"Nah, rather be dead than cool."

"Aren't those song lyrics? Sounds like something someone would get tattooed."

"Maybe in a different life." 

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't updated in a week even though this book was supposed to have daily updates. I had a small relapse with my health and I thank you for your patience. Everything is well now. 

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