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I ran as fast as my feet could to where my classroom was. It was still 15 minutes before classes would start and still have time to get the books in my locker.

As I walked through the hallways towards my locker, students were busy chatting with each other. Other students from other classes chatted with their friends from another class.

“Tomorrow’s the practice match of shiratorizawa and aoba johsai!”

“I bet our team would still win it even though it’s just a practice match.”

“I’m sure they still can’t beat our main ace.”

“I actually simp for that captain from aoba johsai. He’s pretty hot”

“Hey, we’re here support our team not for a hot team captain.”

They’re talking about tomorrow’s practice match, and everyone is everyone is eager to see it. But coach Washijo is pretty strict just like what Semi said. And I am sure that there are only limited people who can see the match.

I wanted to see their match tho. But as what tendou have said, I think I’ll have to stay home for the weekend.

The bell rang as a sign that classes will start in 5 minutes. I hurriedly got all the books in my bag and closed the locker.


Classes have ended and I just remembered that I have to meet with Kaito today at the music club.

It’s the day that I have to introduced to the members. And I’m nervous with the idea of it. I never really have been never been in a music club since the end of my middle school year.

And now I am back and I feel like I’m still new to the feeling of interacting with my fellow musicians.

I received a message from Kaito that the members are already inside and just chilling out. I replied to him that I will be there in a minute since I am already at the second floor.

As I run my way to the music club room I felt my phone to be vibrating on my pocket. I stopped from my tracks and grabbed my phone. It was an unregistered phone number and I had second thoughts of answering it.

How did this person even get my number?

Should I answer it?

I decided to just answer it and just ask who it is and if I don’t know him/her, then I will just end the call and block the number.

“Hello? Who is this?” I answered.

There was silence in the line and it was making me nervous.

“Hello? Who is this? And how did you get my number?” I felt like my voice started to tremble. I feel like it was a scam call. But what makes me nervous is how this person even know my number?

“Look if you’re not gonna talk I’ll block your number this instant and will probably repor-


This voice did not even made me mad or anything. I knew right away whose voice it belongs to.

“Shirabu?” I replied nervously

There was a short silence before he could reply.

“Um hey.”

Uh what? What am I supposed to reply to that?

“I still have a meeting with the music club. So I’ll talk to you later.” I quickly ended the call and I could feel my chest beating so incredibly fast.

It was my first time to hear his voice this close. And he sounded kinda nervous as well from his voice.

I shook my head and tried to clear my mind from the call awhile ago.

I’ll find time to talk to him.

I hurriedly run towards the music club room and opened the doorknob.

As I opened it widely the people inside stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to the sound of the door being opened.

I saw Kaito from the back while holding a music notebook and I waved shyly at him.

“Oh guys! Y/n is here. She’s the one who will be joining our club. And she will be part of the pianist team.” Kaito said

He walk towards me and patted my shoulder telling me that I need to introduce myself. I nodded at him and turned my attention to them.

“Hi. I uh.. I’m L/n F/n from class 5. It’s nice meeting you all.” I slightly bowed to them and looked up to see them warmly smiling at me.

“Welcome Y/n! I’m so glad there is finally a girl who will be part of the pianist team.” A girl who sat from the window waved at me.

“That’s  Sasaki Eiji right there. She’s the only girl in the pianist team, well not until you finally came.” Kaito said

“Oh really. That’s great.” I smiled to him.

“You can sit beside her. While I’ll be discussing a few reminders for our club.” I nodded at him and proceeded to take the seat beside Eiji.

“Hiii” she waved at me as I sat down beside her.

“Hi.” I smiled at her

I can tell that she’ll be probably cheerful in everything she does. She is actually kind of relaxed while talking to me, and I liked it. I don’t really like to have an awkward silence with anyone.

“I’m Sasaki Eiji by the way. But let us just be causal with each other okay?” She held out her hand for a handshake and a I gladly took it.

“Glad to meet you Eiji” I smiled.

After all the introductions I had with everyone, Kaito proceeded to discuss matters about an upcoming audition for a orchestra that would be a mix of other schools from different prefectures.

Kaito told us to practice every other day so that we will be prepared. For the auditions the judges will choose a specific contestant to be part of the orchestra. And Kaito motivated us to do our best, and that it would be better if all of us could be chosen.

I was actually nervous of it and to think that two months from now the auditions will start. It is enough time for us to practice, but for me I am not so sure if I could be good like before.

I haven’t attended any class since the end of my middle school years. And now I just joined again in my second year in High school.

I did not know that my hands were already trembling and I guess Eiji noticed it. She held my hand which made me look at her.

“Hey. Don’t be nervous. We will all help each other so that we can be part of it. Right boys?” she looked from behind him and two boys waved back.

“Of course!” they said in unison.

I just hope this goes well.

The Only Exception (Shirabu Kenjiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now