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"That ends for todays practice! Good job everyone! Remember to clean the gym before you go. Got it?" coach Washijo said before heading out the doors

"Yes coach!" the whole shiratorizawa team responded and bowed as a sign of respect.

"Wow. We actually finished early today huh? It's still like 3:45 pm. I guess our old man have some important business to do huh?" Reon said

"Ahhhh finally I can get to my dorms and read the latest update on that manga I've been reading this past week. I bet there is a full colored page of it now." Tendo said aloud while doing his stretching

"Tendou you're lucky coach isn't here to hear that. He'll probably make you do 50 laps around the soccer feild." Kawanishi snapped at Tendou while changing his sweaty uniform to a loose shirt

"Don't be too sensitive. That old man still loves us even though we're a pain in the ass." Tendou replied

"I'll be heading out first. I still have some classes to catch up." Shirabu said while changing back to his uniform

"Class? What class?" Semi asked

"I thought classes ends at 3:30? Are you
forgetting it already Shirabu senpai?" Goshiki asked before covering his mouth with his hands and backed away with his face painted with fear and guilt of what he just blurted out.

This made the setter give Goshiki a look of death, furrowing his eyebrows together.

"Oi stop giving the kid the death glare Shirabu san. We don't want to pick his ass if ever he faints" Semi joked around Shirabu which he only received the same glare he gave Goshiki awhile ago

"You're excused. You can go now. You still have 10 minutes before your classes starts." Ushijima said behind the second and first years which made them jerk in surprise because of his deep voice tensing them.

"Thanks." Shirabu said before grabbing his bag and hurried out to exit the gym

"Hey how come shirabu only tells Ushijima his whereabouts. I'm so jealous!" Tendou said in a pouty voice and crossed his arms infront of Ushijima. But Ushijima just shrugged his shoulders telling he doesn't have a clue tiving him the emotionless face he would always have.


As Shirabu was making his way towards the library he noticed that there weren't a lot of people inside. Which makes it even better to do his job in tutoring students.

This was his last scheduled tutor class for today and he wants it to end early for him to get back home and study for his upcoming test this thursday.

He really didn't know why he joined this program in which enhancing students abilities in self learning and serving as another way of reviewing lessons was also the way he would be earning a lot attention in his classroom sometimes.

Specifically in 2nd year students. He has been receiving a lot of emails and calls from the faculty that a lot of students want to register as a learning student under him. Well, he has been doing this already for the past 3 months. Which it hadn't been long but this surprised him that he's been receiving calls almost every week.

He denied every offer from the students and told the teacher in charge of the program that he is already settled in having 3 students every week. He don't want to drain his energy in this thing since he would be the one who will be teaching them and he still have to spend time on volleyball. He was doing a good job at multi tasking but this was also frustrating him at times. But as time goes on, he doesn't really mind.

He quietly entered the library and realized that there weren't actually students in the room except for someone who sat not far away who was busy scanning some books.

"Where is Keiko? I thought she knew that we would be having classes today." Shirabu thought

Keiko was his student for his last schedule, and he doesn't know why she wasn't there sitting at their usual spot. Did our class already ended? If so, the teacher in charge could have told him about this.

He was having second thoughts in approaching the girl because her prescense is not familiar to him. Instead he went to ask the head librian about his concern.

"Um..Excuse me but hasn't anyone enter here whose under my class? Her name is Keiko. I actually have a tutor class right now. And I can't find her here."

The librian stopped her paperwork and turned her attention to him.

"Shirabu Kenjiro right?" she asked while adjusting her glasses


"I guess your teacher forgot to tell you that you will be having a new student to tutor now. She's over there by the way." she motioned him to look back to where he saw the girl was sitting

"Ah so that's my new student? I guess I'll be back to square one in introducing myself to her." he thought to himself.

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