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“Hey Y/n.”

“Oh hi Shirabu.”

“Look I know that this might be a sudden for you. And I myself have struggled in saying this to you.”

“What’s the problem? What can I do?”

I was quiet nervous on what he was worried to say to me that even himself can’t keep his composure. I don’t want to get ahead of myself and blurt out what I assumed he would say.

I looked at him and boy he looks so cute. He was fiddling with his hands and his eyes were looking at anywhere else except me.

“Y/n.. I like you.”

I stood there frozen and my mouth was slightly open from his sudden confession.
Is this really happening?

“Y/n..please don’t just stare at me. Say something to me. You know how this is making me nervous.” He said as he looked away from me with his cheeks clearly showing those rosy tint.

I think I am the happiest person now. And I don’t know how I would be able to express my feelings.

I mean I have been waiting for this time to come. And I can’t believe that this salty guy in front of me could pull up an embarrassed face and he is even blushing right now! What could I ask for more?


I was going to reply to him when that single word ran through my ears. My eyebrows furrowed by the familiar voice.

Beside me was my brother. This jerk was just as calm as intruding this once in a blue moon moment for me.

“What the hell? What are you doing here?!” I pushed him away and he just gave me an unbothered look.

“Wake up”

“What?” I was confused by what he said. What is he even talking about?

“I said wake up”

“What are you talking about? You know what just get out of here, can’t you see that I am in a middle of a confession?”

“Wake up”

Why is he repeating these words?! And where the hell did he come from!

“You know what, I am just gonna leave with Shirabu. You really have the guts to disturb us. C’mon Shirabu let’s get out of here”


What the hell?

Where is he?

“dumbass, get your ass out of you bed now!”


Just then I felt a loud and heavy smack. And then I felt my head spring in pain.

My eyes shot open and was greeted by a bright light. The sunlight have already entered my room and somehow landed to where I was lying.

I looked to my right side and saw my brother placing the pillow on his shoulder lazily and was looking at his phone.

“Did you just hit me?” I sat from my bed and massaged my head from the stinging pain that was going on my head.

“Actually it wasn’t that hard.” He looked at me and held the pillow near me. I looked at him with an irritatingly.

He was still in his pajamas and wore a black shirt with a logo of his swimming team.

The Only Exception (Shirabu Kenjiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now