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“That was a great game guys! I thought we would get to do those laps!” Goshiki happily jumped while the others chuckled at how their first year was acting.

“Well it’s all thanks to our team’s cooperation according to our plan.” Reon said.

“Well it was actually Shirabu’s plan so we should be proud at how this kid thought of it all” Semi said and patted shirabu’s shoulder telling him that it was all worth it.

“Well part of it is actually what that girl did to our boy.” Tendou said and turned to shirabu to tease him about it.

“Oh yea, I heard that girl shout your name. Who is she by the way?” Reon asked.

Shirabu didn’t want to answer the question. He was already thinking about how his team might tease him about it all the way and he doesn’t want to deal with it.

“C’mon, you’ve got to tell us who she is. I mean we saw you gear up and even was determined to do that one last move when she shouted your name. She was actually part of our success today right?” Taichi said

Shirabu let out a scoff and lazily flipped his bangs to the side. “She’s just my student” Shirabu said with a blank tone

“There’s no way I am going to believe that!” Tendou laughed and shrugged his shoulders to turn back his attention to shirabu who was now looking away.

“Okay then. We will believe that she is ‘just’ you ‘student’.  For now.  We have yet to see the progress of our dear setter on how he would be able to deal with this.” Tendou said while wriggling his eyebrows at the poor guy who was trying his best to hide his now blushing face.

“Line up!”

Ushijima shouted which the team quickly followed. Their coach and their seniors where coming to their bench.

“That was a good game. You guys really improved! I have seen a lot of potentials for you guys individually.” Their past captain said enthusiastically.

“And to you Ushijma. You were always great like the first time I saw you played out for the try outs. You still looked cool! And a lil bit scary.” He added

They all bowed and said their goodbyes to their seniors and continued to pack their things. They have to get to the cafeteria to eat the meal that their coach prepared for them. And they are actually excused for their morning classes so they might as well be back in their classes after lunch.

As the others were slowly heading out form the gym, shirabu on the other hand he was taking his time.

Is she still here?

I need to see her.

He grabbed his sports bag and lazily put in his shoulders. There were still few students who were left in the gym, some of them were in charge of arranging and cleaning the chairs that were used.

He scanned the gym but there was no sign of Y/n. He felt kind of disappointed and also tired because of the game.

He slowly exited the gym and saw that some of his teammates were still outside chatting and drinking sodas near the vending machine.

He sighed and slowly make his way towards them. But then suddenly he felt a tug on his sleeve.

He looked back and saw that it was Y/n.
He almost smiled but then remembered to keep his cool since his teammates are still behind him.

“You did great!” Y/n happily said

“Yea. Thanks.” Shirabu replied and shyly rubbed the back of his head. He felt how he was acting and he was embarrassed that he have to act this way to her.

“You were so fast! From the back of the court you just went swoosh! And now you were near the net! And then you jumped and passed the ball! And then bang! You won by the last second of the set! You guys were so cool!”

“Huh. You think so?” He asked

“ Yes!” she replied

Can you stop smiling?..please just not now.

I don’t know what my face looks like right now, and I bet it is so embarrassing.

“Oh hey! You were the girl that his cheerleader a while ago right? I’m Tendou by the way.” Tendou said and smiled at her sweetly while holding out his hand for a handshake.

“Oh.. I was not actually a cheerleader. I am just..”

She was nervous on what she would call the relationship they have between with shirabu. She wanted to say that she was his friend. But she does not know if shirabu might find her weird if she would say that.

She looked at shirabu and back again at tendou.

“I’m his fr-

“She’s just my student. I already told you before. Why do you have to ask this question over again?” shirabu said and cut off Y/n on what she was about to say.

“I just thought I needed a confirmation on her, on what you guys really are.” Tendou said

“Yea..I’m just a student. There’s nothing really in particular.” Y/n forced a smile to him and shirabu.

“I’m Y/n by the way. Nice meeting you!” Y/n said and shook Tendou’s hand.

Tendou saw this and patted shirabu’s shoulder and whispered something to him and then went back to where his teammates were.

Y/n felt like she needs to get out of this situation. She felt the awkward silence and it was deafening to her..

“Oh I almost forgot! I need to do an attendance check in class! I got go! It was a great game, congrats to you!” Y/n said and hurriedly run away and heads toward the building.

Yea right. I am just his student. What am I thinking?

The Only Exception (Shirabu Kenjiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now