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At the volleyball gym

The gym was filled with the smell of sweat lingering in every corner with only the sound of their sport shoes squecking on the floor and people shouting as a way they would communicate on the court.

"Hey...don't you think Shirabu's overworking himself? I mean...yes he is one of year's top achiever in class and that would also get him a spot in every university. I heard he would be taking medicine as his course when he graduates here. But I'm actually worried that he might actually pass out if he continues this." Yamagata said in between breathes as he crouch down to calm his breathing from the intense drills and practice they were doing.

Beside him was Reon who was also crouching, huffing heavy long breathes.
"Yea I agree with you. I don't know why he's doing it. But if I were in his shoes I'd actually quit the tutoring. I can't even do multitasking. That shits dangerous for me." Reon said

"Hmm" Yamagata nodded in response.

"Oi you two! Stop chit chatting and get your asses work back on the court!" coach Washijo shouted from the benches.

Both of the two looked terrified and quickly hurried back to their practice.


"Wow....just what made coach be fired up to let us do this. I am almost out of my stamina." Goshiki complained while wiping the sweat all over his face.

"You just gotta do what the old man says kid. We got no choice." Semi added

"Oi shirabu. How's your tutoring class doing? I thought you would be quitting this month?" Reon asked

Shirabu kept his attention away from them. They had always been questioning him about this matter. It bothered him because he know that this already affected him. When he would arrive at home after the tutor class he would go straight to his room and slump his tired body on his bed. He wouldn't even eat dinner. He was too tired to even walk down the dining area and even had no appetite in eating.

He understands how his teammates would worry about his health, more importantly this was affecting him both physically and mentally. Eventually he had already gotten over it, and it was normal for him to feel this stressed.

For some time, they would actually talk about this matter with him, but he assured them that he really was fine and is doing great with doing both of it.

But their ass won't stop asking him about him. He just thought that they really cared for him. Even though he was a sarcastic salty guy, they would still cling to him and treat him fairly.

He turned to look at them and saw that they were actually waiting for his answer. He was flustered by this.

"You guys, I already told you that I'm doing just fine. I'm in control with my schedules and I have time for myself to rest." Shirabu said.

They nodded at him like they were telling him that they understood what he was trying to say.

But it was clear to him that they just pretended to show him that. Because deep down they knew that he wasn't doing great these past few weeks.

His sets and serves were off and this actually bothered them. But they didn't want to argue with him about it, since they knew that it would worsen his play because last time that they tried to talk him out of it he kept on denying that he was fine but they insisted that he was not.

So by the next day Shirabu was giving them piercing glares and the silent treatment. Just the thought of that sent shivers to their spine especially their first year Goshiki.

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