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Tendou’s POV

She looked nervous. I dunno because maybe I was asking her that question.

Or maybe because of my presence that’s making her nervous.

She looked at Tendou and then back at me. It looks she herself doesn’t know what she is to him.

Isn’t she just his student? Well that was what shirabu told us a while ago. But let us see if they are in a common ground.

“I’m his fr-

She was cut off by shirabu before she could finish what she wants to say.

“She’s just my student. I already told you before. Why do you have to ask this question over again?” shirabu said.

He looked annoyed. Well that is fun to see.

“I just thought I needed a confirmation on her, on what you guys really are.” I said.

Shirabu glared at me and it looks like he wants me to shut up.

Oh hell no I won’t boy.

“Yea..I’m just a student. There’s nothing really in particular.” She said and smiled at me.

Well that was a fake smile. She can do better than that.

These guys really are so dumb. They both looked like they like each other but then both of them are so bland and trying hard to avoid situations like this were their feelings would be tested.

“I’m Y/n by the way. Nice meeting you!” Y/n said and shook my hands. I smiled at her and then chuckled.

You guys need to be honest with yourselves.

I patted shirabu’s shoulder and leaned closer to him.

“You need to work on those feelings before she can find out. You guys are very transparent. Anyone can see what you guys are.” I smirked before walking away.

Well I hope they would slowly work it out. It’s pretty tiring to see these kind of people.

Shirabu’s POV

As I walked on the hallways towards the library, Tendou’s words have been on repeat in my head for god knows how many times.

I didn’t quiet get what he meant by it, but as time passed by I had a clear understanding on what he was trying to say.

“You need to work on those feelings before she can find out. You guys are very transparent. Anyone can see what you guys are.”

Does that mean that I need to be honest with her since it’s not too late for everything?

I mean yea, I am pretty sure I like her.

But I don’t know what she feels about me too.

We only spent like a little time with each other and that was it. But to me, all of it was special.
Those little things she does is what makes my day. And that’s when I was so sure I liked her.

But what if I am the only one who was feeling like this? And I even stated that she was only a student to me.

What am I going to do now? That was just great.

I blew up everything.

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