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Y/N hurriedly dashed through the hallways to where the library could be found at the end of the building.

She checked her phone to see that she was already 10 minutes late.

Students were staring at her now because she was making loud thumping noises on the tiled floors. Her backpack keeps on banging on her back in sync with every step she'd land on the surface.

When she saw the first door in the library her steps slowed down as she was catching her breath. Not wasting time, she opened the door and with just seconds her eyes landed on the coppered hair boy sitting at their usual spot while reading a book.

His peaceful time was later on disturbed by the sound of the library's door creak sound.

He looked up to see who made the little disturbance of his time and realized it was
Y/N standing by the door.

She was huffing, clear to him that she was hurrying to catch up the time to when they would usually start the class. It was already 4:15 p.m . This was not new to him on where his students would be late for his class.

He already got used to be going inside the library and wait for them when originally it should be the other way around.

She quickly walked towards the table on where he was making her stumble a litttle bit in her tracks.

"I-I'm really sorry that I was late. I got some things to work with BF/N and totally forgot that I should be heading here now. I'm really sorry Shirabu-san. I promise this won't happen again."

But Shirabu only nodded and patted the seat next to him. This made Y/N confused.

Why isn't he mad?

Not wasting any time she obeyed and sat down beside him, putting her backpack to the seat right beside her. She prepared the books and some stuff that she'd be using and placed it neatly on the table.

She gave a quick glanced at him and saw that he was taking something out from his bag. Filled with curiousity, she leaned forward a bit to see what he was trying to find. She can't clearly see what's in his bag though since his back was all she could see.

Just then he suddenly face towards her which only made Y/N sit back and in surprise. She looked straight ahead not even looking at him. Playing pretend that she did not just pry on what he was doing just awhile ago.

"Here." she heard him say and look back at him only seeing him handing her a paper bag.

"What's this?" she said

"I bought that awhile ago. I think it's not that hot anymore." he said and then sit back and continued to read the book he was just reading.

Y/N raised her eyebrow in confusion.

"He bought something? I don't remember telling him to buy something. Why is he giving me this?" she questioned herself.

Without hesitation she opened the paper bag, and just from the sight she quickly looked back at shirabu and then back again to the paper bag.

"Burgers. You bought burgers?" she asked. She was not getting any hint of this. Why did he bought her burgers?

"I just thought that maybe you usually get hungry at this hour so I made sure you'd get some snacks. Just from what happened yesterday you blurted out burgers out of nowhere when I was in the middle of asking you about the meaning of that poem." he replied without even looking at her.

By now Y/N's face was already tinted with a pink blush in which she was glad that Shirabu wasn't looking at her right now.

Is this real? Did he just bought me some burgers because he was making sure that I'd get to eat something so that I can focus more in his class?

No..don't tell me he was....concern of me?

No! Why are you assuming things Y/N! You can't just say to youself that he'd be doing that. I mean he doesn't even give me a lot of attention. He'd be just focused on tutoring and letting me learn, he was just doing his job that's all.

But why would he say such thing that the thought of what happened yesterday made him but these burgers for me?

Wait.....did he really paid attention to me?

Y/N opened the paper bag again and saw two burgers. She can't help herself but just smile at the sight she is seeing now. She can't contain her smile slowly showing on her face.

"You don't skip meals right?" Shirabu asked her

"No i don't. But I really get hungry at this time. I'm sorry if I made you bought these. This must be a bother to you, I'm really sorry. I'll pay you back tomorrow I promise." she replied

"No. You don't have to. I was willing to buy that for you. So you don't owe me anything."

Now this really made Y/N a blushing mess now. Hearing those words made her chest go wild and she could feel her palms starting to sweat.

She looked back at the paper bag and kept her head as low as possible so her hair is now covering the side views of her.

"I hope you don't see what my face is like right now Shirabu. You are the culprit of this. Now how am I going to be fine throughout this day if this just happened?" she told herself

As Y/N finished eating, they continued with classes. As usual, Shirabu had this plain expression plastered on his face.

Y/N would do quick and short glances to him if ever he would even smile like yesterday whenever she would be able to answer his questions.

She made sure that she was listening to him more seriously. She don't want to add another embarressment like yesterday. She was determined to do her best in the exams and moreover having be able to see his smile again.

As time passed by quickly, Y/N didn't even notice that the scheduled time for the class to end was already up.

"I guess we'll just continue discussing this tomorrow." Shirabu said as he got up and started to arrange his things.

"Yea.." Y/N mumbled softly.

Y/N forgot that tomorrow would be their last day together in this class since she only signed up for the preparations for the exam.

Why does it have to end? She was slowly getting more fun with him just by tutor class not to mention she would crack up random jokes to brighten up the mood and that would only result to a zero reaction from him and he would even ask her why she'd say that.

But nonetheless it didn't bother her, she would just laugh at her own joke even though it was pretty corny.

Shirabu would only be surprised whenever she'd give out a snort when she laughs. And that's when he'd look away to compose hiself to avoid laughing at what he had seen.

But Y/N would actually see this and would tease him that he actually laughed and responded to her joke, when he only laughed because of how she'd laugh.

Y/N can't actually tell if she should continue sticking up to him, but all she know is that he is acknowledging her small jokes that she would say.

It's like he was okay with her being like this with him. She thought maybe they can actually have a bond like this, she could show him how she really felt. All she know is that she feels comfortable with him, and she hopes he feels the same too.

Y/N didn't really care if she'd look stupid infront of him, she just wants to see him smile and witness a small laugh coming from him.

It would make up her day.

If only she'd get to see it longer. It would be better.

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