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"Oh god. I don't even know how to face him later. I can't believe I said that!" Y/N said while covering her face because she was embarressed. 

"Don't tell me he actually heard it?" BF/N asked

"Of course he did! He even asked me what burger I was saying. Just how dumb was that" she removed her hands from her face and rested her chin on her hand.

Thoughts were running in her mind on how she'd tell him that she can't come to his class today so she'll have the chance to get away before he would question her about yesterdays burger. Maybe that will buy her some time for him to forget what happened.

"Let me see. You're being tutored by this underrated hot salty smart ass from class 2. In which I would say according to my findings he got every girls attention.

He's like ushijima's heir for his throne of being the talk of the town. And then here comes a girl blurting out burgers on her first day in class with him. Isn't that actually fun to hear?" her friend laughed and pointed her finger at her referring on how really stupid she was.

"Okay I get it alright. But I can't just show up there and act like I didn't do anything. I just messed up back there." she snapped back to her friend.

"Look, just act like nothing happened. He looks like the type of guy who doesn't even care about anyone. So maybe he'll just let it slip." she said assuring Y/N that it will just be fine if she would just go there and take her class with him.

I mean exams are on the corner. She just can't cancel their tutor class just like that.

"Help me. Please?" Y/N pleaded at her friend

BF/N stood up from the desk to where she was sitting across Y/N and walked towards her. She stared at Y/N intently on the eyes as if she was finding something. Just then her eyes widen of a thought that just popped out in her mind.
She let out a shocked gasp and pointed her finger to her.

"You like him don't you?" she asked

Y/N felt how her cheeks were heating up.

"W-what are you talking about? You can't just assume that I like him!" Y/N defended herself. Even though it just makes her look like she was guilty.

"W-what are you talking about" her friend imitated her voice exaggeratedly and acted like she was shocked to match her friends actions

"I didn't say it like that you know?" Y/N glared at her friend which was making posing weird cute faces to her. Simply teasing her

" You're a stuttering mess. See? You look like a tomato right now. Which only means that my assumptions were right. So stop denying it Y/N. You're so bad at lying." she retorted back

"You're making me feel worse don't you know that? You should he comforting me right now." Y/N said before crossing her arms.

Her friend was right.

She was bad at lying. But what can she do? If ever she'll have to go there, she's sure that Shirabu might as well tease her about yesterday.

She doesn't even know what type of guy he is. But if anyone was on his shoes right now, they would do the same thing on what she thought about him teasing her.

"Y/N just get your ass out there. You still need this class. Exams are coming. Don't tell me you're cancelling it just because of what happened. And besides you want to impress him right? Then go out there if you want to show him."

"Right! I want to impress him." she thought to herself.

She didn't even know where this kind of motivation took her, but she was sure that she wants to see him again.

She was sure of what she felt now.

And she might as well show him little by little. She's still not ready to tell him though but she's sure about how this feeling is working up her now.

"I like him"

And with that , she's not gonna deny it anymore.

The Only Exception (Shirabu Kenjiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now