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"um hey. Are you here for tutoring class right?" he asked approaching the said girl at her table who was busy reading and startled by shirabu's plain tone of voice made her flinch in surprise and look up to whom the voice belong to.

Her eyes landed on a copper haired guy infront of her. He was holding the strap of his volleyball bag that was lazily hanging from his side.

She quickly stood up from her seat to greet him and bowed slightly.

"I'm F/N L/N from class 5. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for accepting my application for you class Shirabu-san. Please take care of me throughout this class."

"I didn't actually approved you, the teacher did" he mumbled softly.

"It's nice meeting you too. You probably know my name already. I'm a second year in class 2. I hope this class goes smoothly from beginning to end." he said and calmly walked towards the seat beside her.

She then took her seat again and just waited for his instructions.

"So what subject are you struggling right now." he asked as he was rummaging through his bag to find his notebook for the class.

"English.." she was quiet embarresed to say it. Not to mention that this guy beside him is well known for his stable and rising grades every examinations. He even got the top rank in English profiency level test in the whole second year class. Which earned him a spot Waseda University which is now on the top rank for prestigious University in japan. But that is if wants to learn Agricultural Development studies.

"So it's english then. Any specific lesson you want to learn today? I mean we're in same year and studies the same lessons everyday." he asked

"Um..it's literature. Im having difficulties in finding the right meaning behind every poem's line. And even my vocabulary is poor at this subject. I'm already in my second year and I'm still dumb at this" she looked down at her shoes in embarressment. She was already hiding the fact that her face was already flustered.

"No one get's it perfect in their first try. Everyone has still a lot of time to sharpen their learning. And that starts today Y/S - san."

She looked up to see him looking at her while his face was resting on his palm with his elbow supporting it on the table.

"Ah yes..indeed" she replied and smiled

They started their class together, it was going pretty smoothly and she was listening attentively to every explanation he would say. She was trying her best to jot down important key points he would say and this would serve as her review guide when she gets home and do a self study.

This was actually new to him. The kind of atmosphere she had. I mean it was rare for him to tutor guys because mostly it would be girls and he doesn't even get why recently he was receiving a lot emails from them. Not to mention only few of them were serious about joining the program.

They would just apply for the tutor class so they could just get his phone number and even throw simple flirting conversations with him. Nevertheless he won't acknowledge this kind of behavior. He would still do his job in tutoring them but it would be their choice if they would be listening in his class and then later on fail their exams.

There were actually 10 of them who tutors students but he's the one receiving all the attention. And he doesn't like having the attention on him.

The class with Y/N went on and there was only 10 minutes left before their class would end.

"Okay since you completed the questions I gave, and suprisingly you actually have a good on it. I'm going to say a line and you determine what hidden meaning it has. Is that okay? I have a set of choices here that should give you a clue about it." he said while shifting his seat and moved it so now he was facing her instead of the table.

The Only Exception (Shirabu Kenjiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now