• Nine •

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^^So this adorable little boy is now twenty one. Just let that sink in.

Harry kissed me. He kissed me that night in my bed, and if that wasn't shocking enough, after he kissed me he just looked back to the TV and kept watching the movie. Harry didn't say anything, he just acted like nothing had happened.

I was completely dumbfounded, I had just been cheated on and then my best friend kissed me. I 110% enjoyed the kiss of course but I was still dumbfounded.

Harry didn't help at all, just acting like nothing had happened. I didn't want to bring it up because what was I supposed to say, "Why did you kiss me? Are you falling in love with me like everyone thinks?" I couldn't ask him that!

Instead I just toyed with the star bracelet Harry gave me for my 16th birthday. The bracelet hadn't fallen off yet but at the time I kind of wished I would have so my wish would have come true.

• • •

Harry and I went on with our normal life. Whenever we were alone there was always awkward silence but he just would not bring up the kiss. I wanted more than anything to talk to him about it but I didn't know how.

When Harry came over the next Friday night I had started to think that he forgot about the kiss completely. He hadn't acted any different minus the silences.

I was the one that brought the kiss up. We were watching one of my many chick-flicks and when they kissed I paused the TV and shifted so I could see Harry better.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked.

"Can we just forget about that?" Harry asked me, scratching the back of his neck.

"No we can't. I need an answer Harry."

"I don't why I kissed you Liv. You were just sitting there and you looked so beautiful like you do now and I just couldn't help myself. I waited so long and I wasn't about to wait another minute."

"What do you mean you waited so long?" I asked.

"I mean I'm falling in love with you! I don't want to because I know it's going to wreck our friendship but I just...I love you Livvy."

I sat there I my bed not speaking or moving, I don't even remember breathing. I just know that I was letting the words Harry said sink in. I wanted so badly to hear them but once they were out I didn't know what to do.

"Please say something Livvy, don't just sit there."

"I want to love you back." I said.

"Y-you want to? What does that mean?" Harry had asked me.

"In just months you're leaving." I said.

"Stop! Stop throwing that in my face! I've told you that I'm leaving because of you!" Harry yelled at me and stood up from my bed.

"You've only hinted! You didn't tell me anything!" I yelled right back, "Don't I deserve an explanation?!"

"Fine! I'll give you an explanation! I am in love with you Olivia May Jones! You're my best friend and I've fallen in love with you but you're leaving me! You keep saying that I'm leaving you but I'm not! I would follow you if I could but I can't! I would do anything to keep you with me forever but it's not going to happen because you have plans for your life!"

Harry looked at me, his eyes showed how broken his heart was. He sounded so angry that night but he was just so hurt.

"I'm am going to loose you Livvy, if I haven't already and I honestly am not sure if I'm going to be able to survive that."

Harry turned and I had no idea what to do. There was nothing I could say so I called his name and thankfully he turned around just in time for me to kiss him.

He kissed back for a moment but then backed away from me. "No Livvy, don't pity me."

I ignored him, "I don't know if I'm love with you or if I ever will be, but I want to find out. We have eight months until I leave. Let's see what happens."

"I'm not going to date you for eight months then let you leave." Harry said shaking his head at me.

"What do you want to do then? Harry I have to go. Don't you understand?" I asked.

"I do Livvy! I understand completely! I understand all of this but it amazes me how much you aren't understanding! You've always known exactly what you wanted but now you don't!"

"What do you want?!" I yelled.

"I want you! I want you no matter what it takes if I have to stand here and scream at you for hours how much I love you I will if I can have you end the end! I would do ANYTHING to win you over!" Harry turned to leave again.

"Then why aren't you?!" I screamed, "You're leaving but maybe if you tried you could convince me that I love you!"

Harry covered the small space in between by just taking a few steps. He places a chaste kiss on my lips and whispered, "I want you to love me, without me or anyone else convincing you. I know you do Livvy, I know you love me and sooner or later you'll realize it. I'm just worried it will be too late then."

Harry walked out of my room but I followed him, "Why would it be too late?!"

He ignored me and I grabbed his arm.

"Let me go Livvy. Please."

What choice did I have but to listen to him? His voice was so raw and broken, it cut right through me. His arm fell from my hand and he kept waking away. I fell down to my knees and just cried.

As soon as the front door closed my mom ran up the stairs and wrapped her caring arms around me. "Oh honey, I know it hurts."

"Why can't it just be easy?!" I cried.

"Having a best friend isn't always easy, darling." my mom said softy.

"I love him Mom!"

"I know you do, he knows it too."

"Then why did he leave me?! He said he knows that I love him but he left!" I was so tired of hearing how I loved him and he loved me. I wanted to understand everything that was going on.

"He had to honey, I can't tell you but you'll figure it out. Just trust yourself."

"I'm tried of hearing I'll figure it out!" I screamed, "I want him to come in here right now so I can tell him I love him!"

"Liv, you want to tell him that because you're afraid of losing him. He knew exactly what you would do. For once don't think about what Harry wants, listen to what your heart is saying and you'll figure out what you want."

"I know what I want! I want my best friend!"

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