• Eleven •

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This is a really cute chapter, ENJOY!!

"We should go out." Harry told me.

"Out?" I asked, "Out where, for what?"

"For a date. We're dating now aren't we?" Harry asked me.

"I suppose so, but it's a school night."


"So we both have to be up early in the morning."

"Come on Livvy, live a little." Harry said smiling.

"Where would we even go?" I asked.

"Umm, how about the bakery I work at? We have the best cupcakes." Harry told me.

"Cupcakes?" I asked Harry, he nodded. "Let's go." I had said grabbing my jacket since it was a bit chilly out that night.

"Slow down." Harry told me as he laughed at my excitment.

"I want a cupcake." I pouted once he got in the car.

"You'll get one, I promise."


It was around four in the afternoon when we got to the bakery. It was actually the first time I had ever been to the bakery. I had never visted Harry because if he was working then I was too. Since I had never been there I didn't know that Harry was the only male that worked there, or that he was the only one under the age of thirty. There were a few old ladies that ran the place together.

They all simply adored Harry. He held my hand as we walked into the bakey andd he was greeted quite warmly. "Hello Harry darling!" one lady called from behind the glass display case.

"Hello Pam." Harry said smiling warmly.

"Harry?!" I heard another lady call as she came through a door from the back.

"Barbra!" Harry said, smiling ear to ear as he dropped my and walked to the lady and hugged her.

"My goodnes! Harry?! Is this your Livvy?' Barbra asked him.

"Yes, this is my Livvy." Harry told her proudly.

"Hi, I'm Livvy, Harry's girlfriend." I said extending my hand for her to shake.

"Girlfriend huh? I guess Harry finially professed his undenying love for you." Barbra said smiling.

"Something like that." I said laughing.

"You wouldn't believe how much he talks about you dear."

"Barbra don't embarrass me." Harry whined.

"Oh embarrass him all you want, I want to know what he's been telling you." I said causing Harry to groan.

"Oh he's always telling me the smallest details about you, when we're baking. If we make vinilla he'll tell me how it's your favorite flavor. Or when we use purple icing he'll go on and on about how purple is your favorite color." Harry begged her to stop but she ignored him.

"There was one day that Harry told me about his favorite perfume on you."

Then it was my turn to be embarrassed, "Harry Styles you did not tell them all about my perfume." I said as I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

"I just said that I liked your new perfume." Harry said not making eye contact with anyone, a dead give away he was lying.

"Sure darling, that's what you said." Barbra told him with a wink and a pat on his cheek.

"Why don't we just get something to eat?" Harry asked me, looking down at the floor to hide the blush covering his cheeks.

"I think that's a good idea." I said, "As long as you can go without talking about my perfume." Harry playfully shoved me and I laughed.

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