• Seven •

210 11 14

Short and crappy sorry

After my talk with Molly and thinking things through that night in my bed I figured I would not do anything about whatever feelings I had for Harry. We were doing great as best friends and I wasn't going to complicate things by randomly telling Harry I loved him. Plus I had a great boyfriend and I didn't want to hurt him.

The next day was a Friday so Harry and I would have our night together and I was a little bit nervous. I shouldn't have been nervous around my best friend whom I had know my entire life but I was. I didn't want my new found feelings to change how I acted around him because more than anything Harry was my best friend and I knew that I always wanted him to hold that special spot in my life.

When Harry and I got home from school we followed our normal routine and went to my house. We got some snacks and talked to my mom before we retreated to my room to watch some movies until we fell asleep.

"I saw Molly's car last night. Why was she here?" Harry asked me.

"She's my sister Harry," I said with a bit of a slight laugh, "she visits all the time."

"But when she does you stay downstairs with her and your parents. You were upstairs last night."

"How do you know that?" I asked Harry suspiciously.

"Your room is right across the street from mine, Livvy. I saw your light on last night when she got here." Harry had told me with a shrug.

"Oh. She was just over to talk about plans for the wedding. Since her and Jake moved the date up." I explained.

"Why did they move the date?" Harry asked me curiously.

"Molly's pregnant, but don't tell anyone because I was not supposed to tell. So keep it to yourself."

"Gemma told me you're going to be a bridesmaid." Harry said.

"Yeah Molly told me last night. You'll be there right? At the wedding?" I asked.

"Of course. Is Jay going to be your date to the wedding?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah I think so, are you bringing Brittany as your date?"

"I don't think she will be invited." Harry told me a bit stiffly.

"She's your girlfriend, of course she's invited." I said knowing Molly wouldn't care if Brittany was there. She would say yes because she's Harry's girl friend.

"Then I guess she'll be my date." Harry said.

We sat in silence for a while before I couldn't take it anymore and finally asked what had been on my mind since I talked to Harry on the phone the night before.

"What happened in your nightmare last night?" I asked Harry suddenly, wanting to know why he was so scared and why he wanted to know that I was okay.

"You don't need to worry about it. It was just a dream." Harry dismissed the subject quickly but I wanted a real answer.

"You don't tell me anything anymore." I said sadly as I slowly shook my head, "Why not?"

"I tell you things." Harry said focusing all his attention to the movie on the TV so I quickly grabbed the remote and paused the movie.

"You used to tell me everything." I said quietly.

"We're getting older, things aren't always going to be like they were when we were little kids. You know that don't you?" Harry asked me.

"I thought we were always going to be best friends." I said trying my best to hide my sadness.

"We'll definitely try, but we are just going to grow apart like most best friends. You have a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend. Plus you're leaving in a few months and who knows when we will see each other again." Harry said simply, as if what he was saying didn't bother him at all. It hurt me a lot to know he didn't care.

"Won't we keep in touch when I leave though? I thought we had planned to." I said.

"We'll try but with the time changes and my college schedule and everything, it'll be really hard to keep in touch."

"So we aren't always going to be best friends?" I had asked on the verge of tears hoping Harry would turn this conversation around and say we would.

"We will always be a part of each other's childhood, but I can't predict the future. Maybe we will always be best friends, maybe not. I can't make that promise." Harry said and it might have been the fact that he then grabbed the remote and un-paused the TV, or maybe the fact that he didn't think we would always be best friends, that broke my heart.

At least, I thought he broke my heart. What really shattered my heart into hundreds of little pieces was waking up alone without my best friend.

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