• Five •

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It was a little over a week after Brittany first captured Harry's attention when he asked me if I was okay with him asking her to be his "official" girlfriend. Of course I told him yes with a smile on my face no matter how much I wanted to say no.

Around the same time Jay asked me the same question Harry asked Brittany. My answer, along with Brittany's, was yes. I don't know why I said yes considering I didn't really like Jay a lot, but he was nice and I always figured that the feelings would grow.

That summer was the worst Harry and I can remember because it was our last. That August we started our senior year of high school. Harry and I both were in relationships and both planned on coasting through this year. We were taking all easy classes since we had finished nearly all of our credits and we knew what we were doing after graduation. I was getting on a one way flight to Brazil and Harry was going to Duke University.

As much as we talked about everything that was the one topic we wouldn't talk about. We both knew it was happening and we both knew how to fix the problem, I could go to Duke with Harry. I was accepted but when I got the letter I threw it away. I wasn't going to spend four or more years of my life studying something when my heart wasn't in it.

Our first day of our senior year was something to remember, of course it was memorable because it's our last first day of school, well for me at least, Harry will have college but it was really memorable but that was the first day Brittany threatened me.

"Hello, bitch." she showed up at my locker at the end of the day. Sadly Harry's locker was in the next hall over so he wasn't able to witness the bitch in action.

"If you want to talk to me then you can call me Olivia." I snapped at her. No one is going to call me a bitch without hearing a piece of my mind.

"You aren't allowed to be friends with Harry anymore." The Bitch told me and I actually laughed out loud.

"Who said?" I asked laughing.


"Well, you're birthday is in April right?" I asked remembering something Harry said to me, she nodded, confused.

"I've know Harry longer than you have even been alive. You didn't even speak to him until a few months ago, so don't tell me that I'm not allowed to be friends with my best friend because I'm always gonna be part of his life. If you don't like that then you can move right on to the next guy just like all the other sluts."

"Did you just call me a slut?" Brittany growled.

"If the shoe fits, wear it." I said then walked out of the school building reveling in the fact that I just struck the slut speechless.

• • •

"Why are you so happy?" Harry asked me as he drove us home. He always stop to see Brittany on his way home out from his locker so I was surprised she didn't tell Harry about our little encounter.

"I just had a really good day, that's all." I said grinning.

"I did too. I think this is going to be a good year."

"It's our last." I said sadly.

"It's everyone's last. You'll be coming back to visit for the holidays though, won't you?" Harry asked glancing at me as he turned onto our street.

"Yeah." I said even though I wasn't sure if I would or not.

He parked his car in his driveway then we walked across the street, into my house, and to the kitchen. "How was your day?" my mom asked us both.

"It was good." I said taking a bite of a fresh cookie that my mom just made.

"Wow, I think that's the best response about school I've ever gotten from you." my mom said laughing.

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