• Four •

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In the few months that followed, Harry and I both adjusted to having a job and going to school. As soon as school let out for the summer Harry and I were both happy. We kept our part time jobs and on days that neither of us worked we would go to the beach. Our Friday nights were always free though. Neither Harry or I worked then and we always keep it that way so we could hang out together. Friday was our night.

The day I started to see the truth in Gramps's words was a Thursday. Harry and I worked the day before so Thursday we headed off to the beach. Some kids from school were there, including Brittany Sanders. She's always gone to school with us but we've never been friends.

That horrible, horrible Thursday was the day I officially began to lose my best friend. Brittany Sanders decided to flirt with my best friend. As much as I hate to admit it, I was jealous then. I'm still jealous now, all these years later, whenever another girl starts to manipulate Harry's time.

Brittany was always very popular with the guys, probably because of the D cup she barley kept hidden under her shirt. All guys liked her and all girls hated her. She was an epitome of a mean girl and she would stop at nothing to get whatever she wanted. In this situation she wanted Harry and I was in her way.

"Hey Harry." Brittany said and took a seat next to him at the table we were sitting at.

Harry nearly choked on his sandwich when he saw who, or should I say what, sat down next to him. "Hey Brittany." Harry managed. He's acting like he's never once talked to a girl, I didn't know what was wrong with him.

"Call me Britt." she told him leaning into to his side.

"Britt." Harry corrected himself.

I did a small fake cough to get Harry's attention but instead I got more attention from "Britt".

"Oh hey. I didn't see you there. Olive right?"

I thought my "best friend" would correct her on my name but he didn't so I did. "Olivia." I said.

"Whatever." Brittany said turning back to Harry.

"Do you want to take a walk with me?" she asked him. Harry nodded and walked off with the skank without even a glance to me.

• • •

Four long hours later Harry found me sitting on the trunk of his car. "Where'd you go? I couldn't find you." he said unlocking the vehicle.

"I couldn't find you. You walked off with Brittany four hours ago." I said.

"Sorry about that. Britt and I walked for a bit then met up with some of her friends."

"As long as you had fun." I said getting into the passenger seat.

"Yeah I did. Is it alright if we rain check tomorrow night? I'm going on a day with Britt."

"A date? On our Friday? With Brittany?" the questions came tumbling out like crazy.

"Yeah, do you want me to cancel?" Harry asked.

"No. You go ahead and go out with her." I said smiling. If Harry could cancel our Friday night for a date. Then I could too.

Pulling out my phone, I sent a text to a guy who was more of an acquaintance than a friend, but he had been flirting with me a lot and told me he liked me. I clicked on Jay's name and said, Hey it's Olivia. Are you busy tomorrow night? :)

A few short minutes later I got a response. Nope. You wanna go out?

Yeah, pick me up at 7? I asked him.

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