• Three •

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After the funeral I really didn't want to do anything, so I didn't. Not until Harry brought me something that Gramps left me. He went down with my parents and helped Grandma clean up her house. She can't face the house alone so she's moving down to Florida to be with her sister.

Harry gave me a photo album that I've seen tons of times before. It had a picture of Gramps everywhere he traveled. Along with it there were two letters. One with my name on the front, and another that said not to open it until my wedding day. I put the one for my wedding on a shelf and opened the other.


I hate that you're reading this because it means I'm gone. I'm sorry for not telling you about my heart but I knew all you would do is worry and I didn't want that. There are some things that I never got the chance to say to you. First and foremost, do not let Harry read one word that is in this letter. Also, in the back cover of the photo album there's a few letters to give to him. Tell him that he must keep every word in them to himself until the time is right.

I sat down my letter and found Harry's. "Here." I said handing it to him.

"What is it?" he asked me confused.

"I don't know. It's from Gramps though. He wanted me to tell you to keep every word in it to yourself until the time is right." Harry nodded and walked over to my bed. I grabbed my letter and started reading again.

I want you to know that I'm proud of you and that I love you. I know now that I'm gone you will travel. Even if I wouldn't have died I still think you would have gone around the world to see the places I did. I know you'll love it. I recommend that you take a picture everywhere you go. Don't do what most tourists do nowadays and buy a stupid little magnet to stick on your fridge. Memories can live on through pictures if you let them. The only problem with you wanting to travel is Harry. I know you don't see it and I'm not sure if he does either, but he loves you and you love him. I want to tell you a bit of a story in this letter. You know that your mom and Anne were friends for years so when they were both in the hospital, about to have you and Harry I was there too. You don't know that since Harry was born first I held him before I held you. Don't let your competitiveness cause a fight between the two of you over that small detail. When I first held that boy the only thing I could think about was how he would fall in love with you. You know that I'm not a very sappy person so I'm going to stop there. But there will be a day, probably soon now that you're getting older, when you realize your feelings for Harry. When that day comes I want you to push any fear out of your mind and look at him and tell him how you feel. I know that you WON'T do this, but I wish you would. It would be much easier on the two of you. Knowing you you'll end up waiting because of Harry's plans to be a lawyer. You're going to travel and he's going to college, you're going to go your separate ways. Don't let this stop you from doing what you want. I want nothing more for you than you to be happy. When you're old and gray I want you to have only a handful of regrets. Make that small regrets. Before I continue I'm going to tell you never to tell anyone of this part of the letter because it would ruin my tough appearance.Traveling teaches you much about yourself and where you fit in the world. Love teaches you things too. Your grandma taught me more about myself than traveling, or anything else ever could have. Please, don't push Harry away. You're going to be confused and maybe a bit scared after this letter. He probably will be too after reading his letter but trust me, everything will work out. You are so strong and there is much that you'll be able to live with out. Love is not one of them.Oh Livvy, I love you, please never forget that.

- Gramps

I folded up my letter as some tears escaped my eyes. I'm in love with Harry? Memories can live on through pictures if you let them? What does that mean? I put the letter in my desk drawer then turned to Harry. His brow was furrowed as he read his letter then sat it down. He began to sob.

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