• Six •

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Just like Molly had said on the phone she was in my room with her arms around me ten minutes later. "No what's this talk about you loving Harry?" Molly had asked once I calmed down a bit.

"Gramps wrote me a letter and he said Harry and I love each other then mom told me he's falling in love with me and I love him too."

"Liv what's so bad about that?" Molly asked me gently as she softly rubbed my back.

"Everything! He has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend! After this year I'm leaving and he's going to college!" I started crying more and more.

"Calm down hunny, then we can talk." Molly said.

It took a while but Molly was eventually able to get me to stop crying and talk to her. "If you do love him don't let the fear of ruining your friendship stop you from telling him."

"I wouldn't let that stop me. I could tell him that I love him and it wouldn't change our relationship besides the fact he probably won't sleep over anymore." I said.

"The thing we need to figure out is, do you love him?"

"I don't want to." I said.

"That wasn't the question."

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked my older sister, craving any advice she could give me.

"First you have to figure out if you have any feelings for him. Let's make a pros and cons list." At the time I looked at Molly like she was crazy because that was her advice? Making a pros and cons list?

Molly must have noticed the look I gave her because she said, "Just try it."

She grabbed my laptop and turned it on before clicking on the word document program. "Give me a pro."

"Harry's a great guy." I said.

"Okay, now a con."

"Jay." I said, it the earlier weeks before that night I had started to develop feelings for him and I did really like him.

"Okay, pro." Molly said typing a few things.

"Harry won't end up with Bitchy Brittany." I said.


"Harry and I are going different ways in just a few months." I told my sister.


"I can't think of any more." I had admitted sadly.

"How about you'll be happy? You love Harry just admit it. You'll feel at least a bit better after you do." Molly told me as she sat my laptop on the trunk at the end of my bed.

"I can't." I said squeezing my eyes shut in hopes of preventing fresh tears from falling.

"Why not?" Molly asked.

"Because it's a bad idea to love him! He's not going to love me back!"

"Honey, you love him and you aren't admiring it because your scared of getting rejected. You can tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone." Molly said softly and rubbed my back in a soothing way.

"I think I do. I think I love him, I don't want to but I do." I said slowly as if I was testing the words out, "I love Harry." I said then practically turned into a puddle of tears. Molly kept one hand rubbing large, slow circles on my back trying to soothe me as I cried. She didn't say anything thankfully but I just cried because I'm falling deeper and deeper in love with my best friend.

• • •

Mom left Molly and I alone, she probably heard me crying, until we came downstairs to eat dinner after my parents were nearly finished.

Maybe my mom listened to what Molly and I said or she just figured it out because when I went into the kitchen to get some of the homemade pizza Mom made she hugged me and told me, "It's okay darling don't be upset that you love him. Go ahead and eat upstairs in your room. I think you could use some alone time." Mom bent over and kissed my forehead then left the room. I made a mental note to talk to her about Harry tomorrow.

In my room my phone was ringing and I picked it up without glancing at the caller ID and regretted it. "Hello?" I had said into the phone.

"Livvy?" Harry's voice was deep and raspy, I knew he had either been crying or just woken up.

"Hey." I said.

"Are you alright?" Harry's words were slowly spoken.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" I asked him.

"I just...I had a dream, a nightmare. I fell asleep watching TV. I'm fine now, I'll see you tomorrow." he said and hung up. I had figured that he just wanted to check on me after he dream and let it go as I ate the delicious pizza my mom made and watched TV before bed.

• • •

Harry didn't come in my house the next morning to collect me for our ride to school, instead he texted me saying he was ready to go.

"Good morning." I said smiling.

Harry nodded and smiled at me. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, just tired." he said and I believed him for the first few minutes of the car ride until I realized he was lying. Whenever he's tired he yawns constantly and stretches, neither of which he had done since I got in the car.

"You aren't tired." I stated.

"Not much." he admitted as he stopped at a red light.

"What's wrong then?" I asked.

"Britt and I got in a fight last night. We sort of broke up."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said but didn't mean it a single bit, as horrible as that makes me sound. I was very happy to hear there was no more Britt and Harry. I comforted Harry and told him that he'll find someone better until we teacher school where Harry went to his locker and I went to mine.

"Hey babe." Jay was waiting for me at my locker like every morning and he quickly pecked my lips as I spun in my combination.

"Hi." I said as I found my things for my first hour class then Jay and I waited for Harry to appear so we could walk around the building together until we needed to go to class.

Harry arrived then, as if out of nowhere, Brittany appeared and her lips were to Harry's. "I'm so sorry about last night. Please forgive." she said to Harry once she had pulled away.

"Yeah, of course. I'm sorry too." Harry said and hugged her. She looked over Harry's shoulder and have me a dirty look before I laced my hand in Jay's and walked off down the hall with him.

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