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A sixteenth birthday is typically a big event for whoever the birthday girl or boy may be. Most teens don't want any adults to be present and they just want to be alone with their friends to party. For me though, I want my closest friends and family to celebrate with me.

That's precisely why when my parents asked what I wanted to do for my and Harry's sixteenth birthday I simply said, "Order some pizzas and we'll have a party here." Harry agreed.

My parents did just that and I invited the people I wanted to be there with me. I had my closest friends with me and a few family members. Harry felt the same and invited both sets of his grandparents, his cousin and his older sister. His mom and stepfather attended also.

I had my parents there of course, my big sister, my aunt, my uncle, and my grandparents. My grandparents were the first people I called to tell them about my party.

My grandma and I were always closer than most grandmothers and their granddaughters, but it's my grandpa that I was really close to. I called him Gramps and he called me Trouble. He was the first person to hold me when I was born, behind my parents.

"Everyone, I would like to say a few words!" my dad called out to the party goers.

Oh no, I had thought, how embarrassing is this going to be?

"Whether it's her 'Olivia Questions' as I call them, her sarcastic remarks, or her jokes, Olivia is always making everyone happy. I don't know what I'll do in two years when you're off at college, but until then I'm going to savor every moment I have with you, even the moments when you're being a smart mouth." my dad suppressed a chuckle. That wasn't to embarrassing.

"Anything you want to say Olivia?" my mom asked me as my dad put his arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah, I just want to thank everybody for coming and for all the gifts. Drive safe!"

My friends gave me hugs and said their goodbyes until it was just Harry, my grandparents, and my sister Molly and her fiancé Jake. Harry's cousin had left and his parents and sister went back across the street to their house.

"Bye Liv." Molly said. She was one of the few people that I let call me "Liv" my parents and occasionally my friends. Harry calls me Livy, the thing about Harry is that he's like my brother. We've literally known each other our whole lives. We are the cliché of best friends. Our moms went to college together and they both got married around the same time, they both bought a house on the same street then a few months after the weddings both women found out they were pregnant.

Nine months later, Harry's mom Anne, had Gemma and my mom had Molly the girls were born a week and a half apart. They were best friends too. Five years later our moms were pregnant again. Anne had Harry and my mom had me. Harry is exactly an hour and two minutes older than me, and trust me, he never let me forget it.

"Bye Molly." I said hugging her then Jake.

They both left then I said goodbye to my grandma, then Gramps. "Bye Trouble. Love you." he had told me.

"Harry!" Gramps called the curly haired boy over to us, "Watch this trouble maker for me."

"I will." Harry said with a smirk aimed at me.

Gramps left and then it was just my parents with Harry and I. "We're going to head off to bed. Harry are you staying?" my mom asked.

"If it's alright." Harry answered kindly.

"It always is. Goodnight you two." my dad and left with my mom.

"Happy Birthday Livvy." Harry told me.

"Happy Birthday Harry." I replied.

"Robin took my presents over so I could help you carry yours up." my best friend told me as he began to pick up some of my bags and carried them up to my room.

My room was my favorite place in my house. It was a rainbow of colors, I could never pick a color theme so I just chose a white bedspread and white walls. Everything else was just different colors.

"Here's your present. I thought it would be better if you opened it away from everyone else."

I opened the small box and pulled out a brown piece of card stock with a purple bracelet that had a single tiny silver star in the middle tied on it. I sat down on my bed and read what was neatly written in Harry's block print on the card stock.

Smile you're so beautiful.
Make a wish as you tie on your bracelet. Once it's tied, it's tradition to keep it on your wrist. When the bracelet falls away, your wish shall come true.

I looked up at Harry, "Will you tie it one for me?"

"Course." he answered smiling.

I gently took the bracelet off, I made sure not to tear the card stock because I wanted to keep it. I always had this weird thing about keeping papers like that. "Which wrist?" Harry asked me.

I shrugged and Harry grabbed my left wrist and tied on the bracelet. I closed my eyes and silently made my wish.

I opened my eyes to Harry's green ones. "So is this thing really supposed to work?" I asked.

"I don't know, I guess that bits up to you. Wishes don't just completely come true, you usually have to do something to help them out."

"I'll keep that in mind." I said.

I grabbed some shorts and a shirt and stepped into my bathroom to change. When I returned to my room Harry had already changed from his jeans and T-shirt to a different, but identical white shirt, and black baggy basketball shorts.

A smart girl wouldn't have done what I did that night. A smart girl wouldn't have climbed in bed next to her best friend like always after making that wish. But who said I was a smart girl?

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🎄Merry Christmas!!!🎄I hope everyone's having a good day with family and friends. Since this is only chapter one I'll start off with a small goal, 3 VOTES AND 2 COMMENTS FOR AN UPDATE!!! Love you all! - Dakota💕

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