• Fifteen •

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I'm not completely sure what happened to Harry and I after the wedding. We were drifting apart and I think we both knew it, but neither of us wanted to talk about.

Our homecoming dance was coming up and I was dreading it because Harry and I were nominated for homecoming queen and king. That meant that besides walking together on the football field the night of the big game, we had to be in the homecoming parade at school and at the time, we were hardly speaking.

Neither of us were mad but I couldn't stand the awkwardness that was between us when we were alone. Harry was over at my house a few days before and homecoming activities were going to start when I brought it up.

"Are you mad at me or something?"

"No, why would I be mad at you?" Harry asked me.

"Ever since the wedding something's just been off between us."

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." Harry said and looked back to his homework.

"Harry tell me. I don't like how things are between us right now."

"I don't know, I just feel like I'm forcing you into dating me and stuff."

"Why on earth would you think that?" I asked.

"You want to move to Duke with me and be dating me right? I'm not pressuring you into anything?"

"Since when do I do things I don't want to do? If I didn't want to go to Duke with you then I wouldn't be going. I love you and I want to be with you." I lied.

Well, I partly lied that day. I loved Harry and I wanted to be with him, but I didn't really want to go to Duke with him. I knew though what would happen if I didn't go to Duke with Harry, I would loose him for good.

"I love you too. You know that you can tell me if you don't want to do something yeah? If you don't like our plans?"

"You know I would. Now please don't worry about all of this okay? Homecoming is coming up and we should enjoy it."

"I still can't believe we're part of homecoming court." Harry said.

Neither of us believed it when we were first told that we made homecoming court. We were fairly popular in high school but nothing like some other people in our school were.

"Neither can I, but I think it'll be fun, don't you?" I asked Harry.

"Of course it will."

"I love you." I told Harry.

"I love you too." he said as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Are we good now?"

"Yeah, we're good."


"Mom that's enough." I whined to my mom who would not stop taking pictures of Harry and I.

"Just one more...there. That's it." my mom said and put her camera away.

"Finally." I said and turned with Harry to head to his car.

"Have fun!" Our parents called from the front porch of my house. We both smiled at them as we quickly got into Harry's car.

"You look really beautiful." Harry told me for the thousandth time.

"Thank you Harry." I said, "You look very handsome yourself."

At the dance Harry and I found our friends and hung out with them until a slow song came on and Harry pulled me out to the dance floor.

"You're the prettiest girl here." Harry told me quietly.

A smile grew on my cheeks as the principal took the stage and asked for everyone's attention. Harry and I stopped dancing and turned around to face the stage.

"I know you have all been waiting for this moment so here we go, your homecoming king is..." Mr.Williams slowly opened the white envelope for dramatic effect before he called out the winner, "Harry Styles!"

Harry was grinning ear to ear as he quickly kissed my lips and walked up to the stage where he was given a cheap plastic crown.

"And your homecoming queen is...Brittany Sanders!"

My heart was suddenly in my stomach.

Brittany walked up onto the stage next to Harry and her eyes quickly found me, a smirk was painfully clear on her face as she received her crown.

I was so upset that night, not that I lost, but that Harry was the king and his queen was his ex-girlfriend, Brittany fucking Sanders.

"Now it's time for the queen and king's dance." Mr.Williams said and Harry quickly turned and whispered something in his ear.

Mr.Williams nodded and stepped over so Harry could speak into the microphone. "Well, I'm going to be sitting this dance out because even though Brittany won, she's not my queen. Olivia Jones is my queen so if I'm dancing with anybody, it'll be her. Thank you."

The look on Brittany's face was priceless as Harry tossed his cheap crown into a nearby trash can and the crowd clapped as Harry made his way to me.

"Let's get out of here." Harry said when he reached me.

"Lead the way my King." I said causing both of us to laugh.

Harry drove us all the way to the beach. When I asked him why he wanted to leave and go to the beach, his response was simple.

"I want to spend the night of my last homecoming dance with my queen."

And that's what Harry did, he parked his car at the beach, turned the radio up, and we danced barefoot in the sand.

Song after song passed as we danced, not caring that our curfew would soon be approaching. Not caring about anything but each other.


This ending was pretty crappy so I'm sorry about that, but if you could still vote it would mean a lot! Thank you all for reading! :)

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