Chapter 22

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* Time Skip to one month before Royal Wedding *

Breaking News

Representatives of the Royal Family have confirmed that the Royal Wedding will take place in two weeks after being postponed by a month due to King Ben's sudden disappearance and Maleficent's return. For the first time in history a villain kid will be Queen. We are excited to see how this will shape the future of Auradon.

Evie turned off the television. There was a knock at the door at her cottage. She was annoyed, she was extremely busy getting the dresses ready for the wedding in two weeks. She opened the door to find a nervous looking Ben.

" Hey, is everything okay? " She asked concerned

" Yes... no... I don't actually know. It's Mal. She's been off with me since the final battle with Maleficent "

" Have you talked to her? "

" I've tried to but she won't let me. Somethings wrong. I can just feel it "

" Ben, relax ! "

Ben took a deep breath

" Have you noticed anything? Does she seem different to you? "

" I... I mean yeah but... um "

" See? You know it too "

" Ben maybe everything will work out in time " Evie said " She is pregnant, Ben "

" This has been going on for over a month. We are getting married in two weeks!! " Ben said " She doesn't seem it, it's like she's fallen of the face of the earth and replaced with this wannabe "

Suddenly Jay and Carlos ran into Evie's cottage.

" Ever heard of knocking " Evie replied sarcastically

" Sorry but this is important " Carlos said

" Something is wrong with Mal!! " Jay said

" See I knew!! What is it? " Ben exclaimed

Jay paused

" It's like she's cursed or something. We heard her talking. It sounded like she wanted revenge on you, Ben. It makes no sense. She loves you but since the final battle with her mother, she's..... "

" Changed? Like how she was long before Auradon? I'm scared, guys " Carlos said

" Oh no.... Maleficent " Evie said

" Maleficent what? " Ben asked

" Why else would she suddenly be acting weird? She must have cursed her "

" How can you be sure? " Ben asked not wanting to believe this new piece of information

" I don't know but for now that's all we have to go on "


" Fairy Godmother " Ben called walking into her office

" Children, is everything okay? You all seem a bit pale " She asked concerned

" It's Mal, we think Maleficent may have cursed her " Ben said

Fairy Godmother remained silent

" She's like turned evil again. She hates Ben. She wants revenge on Auradon. It's like she's Maleficent " Evie sighed

Fairy Godmother sat at her desk and was thinking for a few moments.

" I think I know what has happened and there may be only one way to fix this before it's too late " Fairy Godmother said to the four young adults.

Fairy Godmother whispered the plan to Ben, Evie, Jay and Carlos; they didn't know where Mal could be and couldn't risk their plan getting out. Fairy Godmother believes Maleficent switched bodies with Mal as that was the only logical explanation for all of this. This would mean Mal was actually the lizard being held captive and Maleficent was "Mal", well in Mal's body. It was time to do what should have been done long ago. They need to take Maleficent down once and for all....

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