Chapter 7

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" So where am I ? " Ben asked again

" You are in Camelot prison " The older man replied

" How did I get here ? " Ben said " Last I remember I was on my way back home to my fiancée "

" You got in an accident. Well sort of , as in someone deliberately tried to kill you which everyone thinks they did " He said

Ben was very confused. He had loads of questions.

" What date Is it ? " Ben asked

" July 16th " He replied

July 16th. He had been 'dead for nearly two months. Next week himself and Mal were meant to be getting married.

"Sorry I just realised I don't know your name " Ben asked

"Alex " he grinned

" Its pleasure to meet you " Ben said

He may be in a hurry but he still made time to be polite. He was the king after all. He was raised this way.

' I need to get out of here ' Ben thought ' Why does Alex look so familiar, I feel I know him from somewhere '

Ben looked around the door was sealed shut

" How do I get out? " Ben thought aloud

" Hades ember. It's the only way to open it" Alex said

No no no. This can't be happening. Mal has the ember. Hades gave it to her but there us no way to contact her. Ben couldn't find his phone. Either he lost it or somebody stole it while he was 'dead'.

" You may want to find a way out of here " Alex said

" I know I do " Ben said

" More so with the new information that I have discovered "

" What new information? " Ben said

" Your Council. Well your old council, they are forcing your girl to marry the new king " Alex said

" What? Who? Why? " Ben lost his calm.

" Chad Charming. Cinderella's son "

" Over my dead body " Ben snapped

Pretty Ironic as everyone is so sure that he is dead

" For what it's worth she's not happy about it at all. I've heard she has not been the same since you 'passed' "

" I need to get to her fast. When is the wedding ? " Ben asked

" Tomorrow. At noon" Alex replied

" Thank you. Anything else I should know? " Ben asked

" Apparently she's expecting. There's rumours going around she pregnant with your child " Alex said " I heard it on the gossip channel "

Ben looked at him blankly. Could that be true? There was a possibility. If it was true than Ben was going to be a father. Ben was overwhelmed. The main goal was to get out of here and reclaim his throne and fiancée.

How was he going to get Hades ember. There has to be another way out or a way to contact Hades to get the ember. Alex said Mal's uncontactable due to the recent happenings.

Ben was sewn up in his thoughts then he heard a banging on the door which soon distracted him from his thoughts. It soon opened Ben was prepared to run as fast as he could out of the door but he stopped in his tracks when he saw who was standing at the door arch. Hades. Speak of the devil. Ben was confused, delighted and scared all at the same time.

" What are you doing here? " Alex said

" I heard a rumour and I needed to know whether it's true or not " Hades said

" Which rumour might that be ? " Ben said knowing exactly what he was about to say

" You. You're not dead. How? " Hades said pointing at him

" I wish I knew " Ben said

" I wish I did. So I could of prevented it " Hades said

" Wow" Ben said " Come on, you still hate me? We are going to be family sooner rather than later "

" Yes. I HATE you with every bone in my body. You beast off spring " he scoffed

" But..... I still prefer you over that idiot they're forcing my daughter into marrying " Hades said clearly fed up " I won't be related to that thing "

" I take that as a compliment " Ben smiled

" Stop smiling you moron " Hades snapped

" That's more like it " Ben said

" You're coming with me " Hades said

" Not that I don't want to, but why??? " Ben asked

" You Auradonians are really stupid, aren't you? " Hades sighed

" Sorry " Ben apologised

" I need you to be alive so I'm not forced to be related to that idiot. Understand? Don't think I like you. I just hate you slightly less than him. Got it? " Hades hissed

" I'll take it " Ben said

" You seem to make my daughter happy " Hades said " I can't see what she sees in you though "

Hades walked out the door.

" Are you coming or not? " Hades snapped annoyed at Ben already

" Yes. Coming. Sorry sir " Ben said

" For someone who's been 'dead' for two months , you are awfuly bubbly and happy. It sickens me " Hades said

Ben laughed it off and followed him out the door.

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