Chapter 8

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Ben sat awkwardly next to Hades. Ben was scared of the man. God. Whatever he is. He was his future father in law and neither of them are happy with that. Ben was still better than Chad though according to Hades. Honestly that was the nicest thing that Hades had said to him in the one year that he had known him. Well personally got to know him. Maybe there was still time before the wedding to develop a father- son relationship. Ben remained quiet in the journey back to Auardon. His father may have been the beast but Hades was literally a beast when angry. He was angry a lot.

How did I end up in Camelot prison? Ben thought to himself on the way back.

" Hey Hades, Can I ask a question ? " Ben asked

Hades growled " You just did"

" Can I ask two then? " Ben added

" Already have "

" Four then? " Ben smirked

" If ..... you .... must " Hades spat out

" How did I get to the prison? I did nothing wrong . Nothing that I can remember anyway " Ben asked

" You really are thick stupid, aren't you? " Hades replied

" I like to think not " Ben replied " I was top of most of my classes back when we were at Auradon Prep "

" You are so gullible. You've managed to get yourself love spelled twice so not a big surprise " Hades said

" Meaning ??? "

" Your Drivers. Chauffeurs. Whatever you posh people call them "

" What about them? " Ben questioned

" They wanted you dead. They tried to kill you. They thought you were dead. So they hid your body in an abandoned prison cell where only one other person was "

" Why would they hide my body ? " Ben thought aloud

" They tried murder you. The king. If they found your body, they could of possibly traced the murder back to them "

" Oh " Ben said " So..... "

" Shut up boy.... Your Belle's son read or something " Hades yelled

" I've just been 'dead ' for a while. I don't casually have any books on me " Ben rolled his eyes

" Don't make me regret saving you " Hades said

" Let me just say. Everyone has goodness in them. Even you. This proves it "

" Watch it Ben. For the record I only saved you as I am not being related to Chad " Hades gagged at the mention of Chad's name

" Is Chad behind this too ? " Ben asked

Hades ignored him for the rest of the journey, which Ben had expected. All he wanted was to get Back to Mal before his council forced her to marry Chad .

Why would they even want her to marry him? She's not royalty. Unless they just want to make her suffer.


Mal was at Evie4hearts, she was having a dress fitting for her wedding. Most people would be excited but as for her this was an arranged marriage and she was unhappy about the whole thing.

" Are you okay? " Evie asked

" What do you think ? " Mal sighed

" I'd hate it if It was me " Evie said

" I'm glad you'll get your happily ever after "

Evie frowned. She hated seeing her best friend in so much pain and there was nothing she could do to stop it or even just to help her.

" We fought for you " Evie said

" I know " Mal forced a smile

" We know it's not right but they wouldn't listen " Evie said

" E, it's not your fault. It's for the best. That way I can try and keep Auardon semi sane. It's what Ben would've wanted " Mal said

" Protect Auradon that's what he'd want. Not you marrying someone you don't love " Evie said

" And you'll have to have a heir, Ben's baby won't me a legitimate heir. Do you understand? In a few years, you will have to have a baby with Chad. Chad will be its father. I wouldn't want that for anyone "

" I know, Can we just drop it ?" Mal asked politely

" Of Course. I'm sorry " Evie said

" Thank you " Mal replied

" How's the baby doing? " Evie asked changing the subject

" Good. Very Good " Mal smiled " The doctor said everything is looking good "

This baby would remind her of Ben. She wasn't sure yet was this a good or a bad thing.

Mal's text alert went off.

" Tomorrow " Mal sighed

" What ? " Evie asked

" Chad's moved the wedding to tomorrow " Mal said before breaking down crying.

" What? " Evie comforted her friend " Why? "

" I....... can't this " Mal said in between sobs

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