Chapter 16

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Ben pulled an urgent council meeting. It was his first one since his disappearance. He didn't know how bad they would react to the news but he knew they wouldn't be able to take it lightly.

" It's good to see you again, your majesty " Snow White said

" The kingdom was worried sick " Belle added

" I can't imagine how you were feeling " Snow White added

" We believed he was okay and here he is " Belle smiled glancing at Ben

Ben appreciated their concern about him but Mal's disappearance was more important right now. He didn't care what happened to him as long as she was okay. It hurt to think that if he didn't act the way he did, Mal's life wouldn't possibly be in danger. He knew Maleficent would hate her for what happened at his coronation three years ago. Nobody knew what Maleficent's intentions were. She was capable of everything.

" We don't have all day, now what is the matter of this meeting " Leah scoffed

" Maleficent is back and she is now in human form " Ben said as calm as possible in a scenario like this

The council welped and started panicking. They were all speaking over each other.

" One at a time, please " Ben spoke up

It was like talking to children at times

" Where is your girlfriend? She should be here and she happens to be missing just as Maleficent is on the loose again. I don't think this a coincidence, Benjamin. She was probably behind your 'death' and wanted the throne for herself " Leah said, her voice filled with hatred for Mal

" Enough Leah!! We think Maleficent may have got to Mal already. I asked her to give me some space, yesterday afternoon but she hasn't been seen since. If anything happens to her it is all my fault. I am sending my top guards on the look for both Lady Mal and Maleficent " Ben said

Leah really got on his nerves sometimes. He has no idea why she is still a part of the Council considering no one on there likes her anyways. She got really arrogant as she got older.

Ben closed the meeting and headed out. He was on the phone to Evie. The longer Mal was missing the more worried he became. He also had to remember she was also pregnant which means his child could be in danger too if Maleficent has found Mal.


" Well, well, well hello Mally "

" Maddie? "

" The one and only " She replied

" What do you want? "

" Same as your mother. Revenge. We could've ruled the world together but you chose to be the queen and a mother it looks like " Mad Maddie said

" He will find me " She sighed

" You wish. You're hopeful, Auradon really changed you. You had such great potential for darkness. Some boyfriend you have. He thought I was you. You would think he would be able to recognize his own damn fiancee " She laughed

Mal sighed

Maleficent entred the room she had Mal held captive in.

" It's time for some fun " Maleficent cackled

" What are we doing? " Maddie asked

" It's a surprise and Mal's going to love this "


Jay ran through the castle doors without a care in the world.

After running up through three flights of stairs, he finally found Ben, Evie and Carlos.

" GUYS, I KNOW WHERE SHE IS " He yelled out of breath....

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