Chapter 9

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The next twenty four hours went quicker then anybody would have liked. They tried everything to cancel the wedding but failed to succeed.

Mal was pacing the floor. In two hours she would be married off to Chad. She's been through a lot and this was nearly too much for her to handle. Mal sighed.

Why did Chad want to marry her anyways? It's not like he liked her!

In reality Chad was only marrying Mal so he'd have all the rights to the throne as she was lady of the court if they weren't married then she could remove him as King which She possibly would have done. In the eyes of the United States of Auradon, Mal held more power than Chad did. Despite Chad being born into a royal family. Chad wanted to make Audrey jealous and regretful of her decisions to leave him. He hoped in a few years that Mal would file for divorce and give up her role as lady of the court. He also hoped Audrey would come to her senses and come running back for the opportunity of becoming queen.

Meanwhile Ben was watching his watch anxiously. He had no idea when Mal and Chad would be married and it scared him. He feared he would be too late. She had saved him many times before and now he must save her from pursuing this marriage.

Ben and Hades would soon Arrive in Auardon after their extremely long journey from Camelot.

Mal was talking with Evie before entering the church.

" Good Luck " Evie said

" Thank you, I'mma need it if I must marry Chad " Mal said sadly

" He still loves you even if he's not here anymore " Evie comforted her

" I know and I will forever love him until the day I die " Mal smiled " I don't love Chad, the only reason I haven't run away is I must give this child the best life possible. They can't grow up the way I did "

" Everyone will be here to help you " Evie said

" Thank you "

" I love you, M " Evie gave her a hug

" I love you too, thank you for always being there for me " Mal smiled for the first time in weeks

" Of course , now we better get going " Evie sighed

" If we must " Mal said.


Mal looked phenomenal in her wedding dress. Even if Evie didn't agree with this marriage she still wanted everyone to look their best. Chad was grinning widely. He was up to something. Mal knew it. Evie knew it. They all knew it. They wouldn't know what that is until later though as they had too much going on right now to figure out Chad. They didn't feel the need to waste their precious time on someone like Chad.

" We are gathered here today . ..... to celebrate the marriage ...... between ..... Chad Charming ........ and ...... Lady Mal Fairy..." Jay gagged

Jay had offered to perform the ceremony just for his friend.

" If anyone would object to this union please speak now " Jay said

There were a few moments of silence unfortunately for Mal. Mal sighed. This was actually happening. This was the worst nightmare and the worst part was it was real.

" Okay, we can continue with the ceremony " Jay sighed " The Rings? "

Carlos had Dude be the ring bearer and he carried out the rings. The longer this ceremony lasted, the more depressed and heartbroken Mal felt.

" Ok, Chad, repeat after me ' With this ring I thee wed "

Chad opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by an uninvited guest.

" WAIT " A male voice called out from the back of the church

The whole church turned their attention to the voice and gasped

" I OBJECT . This marriage will NOT be going ahead as long as I am alive and well "

Mal smiled properly for the first time in weeks. Someone had heard her prays for help and came to her rescue.

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