Chapter 1

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" Promise me you'll come back " Mal would say

" Promise. You're here and that's all I need for me to return every time " Ben always replied.

Ben was going on a slightly longer trip this time. He would be away for three weeks which in reality was not that long but for Ben and Mal it felt as if it was an eternity.

" I love you, Ben "

" I love you. Don't fall in love with any guys when I'm gone, okay ? "

Mal laughed

" I don't know, there's a lot of cute guys here in Auardon " She replied sarcastically

" Don't "

Ben laughed nervously

" Come here you " He said and hugged her from behind

" I'm only kidding "

" Yeah I know. I'm the only one who would tolerate you "

" Take that back, Benjamin "

" Okay Bertha "

" Shut up Florian "

The two laughed for a few moments before staring at each other in silence. It looked like it was a scene taken right out of a romantic movie.

" I will miss you " She said

" I'll miss you more " Ben replied

" Not possible " Mal smiled

Ben sighed

" Do you have to go ?? " Mal asked

" You know I do " Ben replied

" I do " Mal sighed sadly " I'll still miss you, though "

" It'll be better when we're married. You can come with me then " Ben smiled

" Yes, that'll be one good thing about being queen..... being able to see you more "

Ben knew Mal didn't like the idea of being queen but it did come with being with Ben. Ben liked that about her, she was never in it for the crown. She was willing to learn how to be queen just for Ben and he will be entirely grateful for that.

" I can't wait until I can call you my wife " Ben smiled

" Two months and 13 days " She replied

" Couldn't come any faster, could it? " Ben asked

" I know. It'll be worth the wait "

" We've been engaged for over a year now and finally the big day is coming " Ben smiled

The duo's moment was cut short by one of the palace guards who informed them that it was time for Ben to go.

" You're such a distraction " he joked turning back to Mal

" Love you, too " She replied in a joking manner

Ben pulled her into a passionate kiss.

" Get a room " They heard Carlos tell in the distance

The two broke the kiss and laughed.

" I got to go " Ben said

" Bye Ben, I love you so much "

" I love you more, baby " Ben said

" Stay safe, okay ? "

" will do " he said giving her one last hug before getting into the limousine.

Ben waved goodbye to her and Mal watched as the limousine drove off.

Three weeks without Ben. Great. These were going to be the longest three weeks of her life !!!


The three weeks went by very slowly. Due to Ben's absence, Mal had to cover his king duties. She had to attend long boring council meetings where Queen Leah would spend the whole time complaining about the villain kids which was very awkward and uncomfortable to be put in that situation.

Mal and Ben had talked everyday. Tomorrow Ben would come back. Mal was relieved not just because she missed him......well mainly that. She also was having a hard time keeping up with his duties and she needed some help from Ben. Ben's parents had offered to help her but she refused their help as she didn't want to be a burden to the. Besides, if she was to be queen soon she would have to be able to handle some of this by herself. Boy, was it hard work, though!

Mal was in her bedroom in the castle. After they graduated school, Mal moved in with Ben into his castle. It sure is a lot better than the dorm room. There was a knock at the door. She had no idea who it was. She wasn't expecting anyone. Carlos was with Jane at the country club with Fairy Godmother. Jay was visiting his girlfriend, Lonnie who was doing ROAR professionally three hours away from Auardon and Evie was gone to a fashion week with Doug. Mal answered the door and a person she didn't know was at the door.

" Hello, may I help you ? " Mal asked politely

" Lady Mal, My name is Jonathon I was one of your fiancé chauffeurs on his business trip "

" Is he back ?? " Mal asked hopefully

" Lady Mal, there was a car crash...... The other chauffeur , Frederick and your fiancé were both involved "

Mal felt her heart sink.

" Are they okay ??? "

Jonathon remained quiet

" ANSWER ME " Mal snapped

He was taken back by her tone.

" Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry "

" It's alright my lady, but his highness and Frederic have not be found. We have no idea where they are. We don't know whether they are dead or alive, my lady "

Mal looked as if she had seen a ghost.

" Lady Mal, I will keep you updated if we here anything. Now, if you excuse me " Jonathon left her room.

" " Mal paced the room " This can't be true... it can't.... please don't be true "

Mal walked over to a picture of herself and Ben which lay by her bedside.she looked at it

" Please be okay, Ben.. please " Mal cried

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