Chapter 12

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" Well " Evie said with an annoyed tone, she just wanted to know if her friend was safe. With everything going on at the minute,  it seemed someone had it in for Ben and Mal and they knew Chad was involved.

" Well? " Ben asked copying her tone

" Stay Calm, Eves it'll be okay " Carlos reassured her

" Look she wouldn't have gone to the Isle " Jay said "She loves you too much to do that to you, especially without telling you"

" what if she's gone to the Enchanted lake?" Evie added

" Wait. It's her safe place and she seemed stressed about the baby earlier " Ben smiled

" We had our first date there, we always went there together to get our minds of our busy lives. Everything was so simple back then "

" It sure was " Carlos said

" Go " Jay said

" What ? " Ben asked

" Now you know where she is. Go and find her. Bring her home, before someone else gets to her first " Jay said

" Okayyyyy " Ben hesitated

" Ben, relax. She's your girlfriend" Carlos added

" I know . Thank you. Thank you so much . I'm just worried  "

" Enough with that. Stop stalling and go find your girl " Evie cut Ben off

" Right. Talk to you later. Bye " Ben said leaving the castle to find Mal.

Ben soon arrived at the Enchanted Lake. He walked through the forest reliving the memories of their first date.

" Tell me something about yourself that you've never told anyone " Ben asked

" My middle name is Bertha "

" Bertha? "

" yeah, just my mom doing what she does best. Being really really evil. Mal Bertha " Mal laughed

" Mines Florian "

" Florian, How Princely? "

" Yeah, its not as bad as Bertha "

She was nowhere to be soon. Just as he was about to give up and look elsewhere, he spotted a particular purple haired girl in the corner of his eye. He ran down to the pavement in the centre of the lake.

" MAAAAAAAAAL " Ben called out  " MALLL "

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