Chapter 6

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Anonymous POV

Ouch, my head. Why is it hurting so bad? Where am I ? What's going on ? What happened to me?  How long has it been ? Last I remember I was ........

Mal's POV

Today we are having a meeting to discuss the future of the kingdom. Also known as who the future king or Queen of Auardon is. The council are annoyed, they claim myself and Ben's family have ignored this issue as they say we want to keep our position in power. Which is  NOT true. It would never be true. Having this conversation means accepting reality which is that Ben is gone. Which is something I have wanted to do for as long as possible. As much as I despise the thought of replacing Ben, what can we do? Auardon needs a leader. But they will never find a leader as good as Ben was in his two years ever again! Ben has done more for this kingdom in two tears than any leader will do in a lifetime.They've already decided that I'm not fit to be queen to govern Auardon. It hurts, not going to lie but Ben grew up in the royal family, I haven't. Seeing that so many people still can't look past the fact that I am the child of a villain yet I've tried multiple times in the past to prove my worth yet I constantly fail. I sighed. Ben and his parents plus my few Auradonian friends believed and stood by me besides that No one trusted me despite me and my friends saving Auradon multiple times. A lot of Auradonians hate me as it was my idea to bring down the barrier. I fear the new leader of Auardon will put the barrier back up. Ben's parents managed to secure that I'll remain Lady of the Court. Not that I cared much about that. I was going to be the royal lady they all wanted. For Ben. Always for Ben. He'll never know my wedding vows. So instead I vow to ensure that he'd be proud of me if he was still here.

3rd Person POV

The meeting begun and to say there was a lot of disagreements was an understatement. It was like a verbal version of table tennis. People were firing insults back and forth. Honestly, they were no better than some of those who originated from the Isle. If Anything Auradonians just have huge egos. After hours and hours and hours, a tragic decision was made. Chad was made king immediately. No formal ceremony. He was blessed by fairy Godmother right there and then under Chad's demands. He wanted nothing more than to be king. He was really so desperate. Typical. Mal sighed as the meeting came to an end. She was technically Chad's lady which made her want to vomit out everything she could potentially have inside. Again. This baby wasn't helping with her constant vomiting.
Mal walked out and paid Evie and Doug a visit. They had already heard the news of Chad becoming King. News really does travel fast in Auardon. Mal needed to find a way off of being Lady of the Court. She didn't want to be associated with Chad in that way. Especially more so, since she was now pregnant. She feared that the public would think she cheated on Ben so soon after his death when he reality she had been pregnant all along but was too worried and upset about recent happenings to notice.
Mal hesitated but made the decision to move out of the castle. Belle and Beast had left as Chad's family were now running the place. They resented the decision of Chad being King nearly as much as Mal did. Mal was going to stay with Lonnie and Jane until she could afford a place of her own.

Meanwhile ......

He looked around the dark room he was in , trying to figure out where in the world he was. He didn't recognise the place he was in at all. Maybe he wasn't in Auardon. It was freezing, that's all he could say for certain. He couldn't remember what happened before he woke up. How long had he been asleep? Surely it's only been a couple of hours, right ? Or not? He really had no idea!
" Sir, your awake now, I see " A older figure said taking him by surprise as he had thought he had been alone in the room. This eased him a bit maybe this man knew something that could be of use to him.
" Indeed I am, now may you tell me where I am " he replied polietly
" Yes, of course " The older man grinned " Might I first say, it's great to see you again, Benjamin"

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