2. My first day at Hogwarts

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When I wake up in the morning Daphne and Pansy are still sleeping. I grab some clothes and make my way into the bathroom attended to our dorm. I decide to take a shower to clear my mind and wake up completely.

The hot water hits my skin and I directly feel my tensed muscles relax. I get out the shower and brush my teeth, when I look into the mirror I'm reminded of Marcus Flint. He is really kind of creepy. I don't even want to think any further about his teeth.

I pay a lot attention to my looks so I put some make up on and use a spell to dry my hair. To finish everything I spray some perfume on my neck and tuck my buttons up shirt into the black skirt of the school uniform which is obviously too short for me. I pull the wrinkles out of my high knee socks and step out of the dorm after I packed my bag. It was way to early for breakfast but I wanted to look around the school.

When I step into the common room nobody is there except one person in the dim light i can't make out the person completely but I'm pretty sure it's a boy. He runs his hand trough his hair when I notice that we almost share the same hair colour. His hair is even brighter platinum blonde shade than my tips. I don't want to be mean so I mumble a "morning" when I pass him sitting on the same arm chair as I was yesterday. When i want to leave he yells

"Wait! Who are you?"

I turn around and he rises one eyebrow. He looks kind of mean, but I can handle that, I don't want to judge him by his look . I realise that I'm staring at him as he snaps

"Take a picture, it'll last longer"

Wow what an ass I turn back around to get upstairs. But he yells again after me.

"I asked you something? And I expect an answer"

I hear steps approaching behind me and I know that's him. I turn around and give him a smirk. He looks surprised,

"Greengrass, I'm Isabel Greengrass. I have to go now if you'll excuse me"

He stood there saying nothing so I leave before he decides to talk to me again. I have to start to control my temper it's my first day and it wouldn't be the best idea to get in trouble. When I arrive in the great hall a all black dressed man with greasy black hair asks me if I could follow him to his office. I followed him and his hand gestures me to sit down.

"Miss Greengrass, I'm glad to have you in Slytherin. I'm professor Snape. The headteacher of your house, I have your schedule here and the first class is potions. The castle is very huge and I found a student who is willed to show you around. It looks like you have almost every class together. He is one of my best students so if you have any further questions ask him."

His voice was slow and it kind of makes me aggressive.

"Who's the student?" I ask praying that it isn't Flint.

"Mr. Malfoy will show you everything, he was supposed to meet you in the common room. But I guess he is at the Great Hall now"

The professor gets up and I follow him out of his office with the schedule in my hands which he gave to me. When I step out of the room I look down on the floor to see some black expensive looking leather shoes my gaze trails up and my eyes lock into grey hues, they are beautiful and I feel like I'm drowning in them. I snap back to reality and realise who he is.

The platinum blonde boy from the common room.

"I'm Malfoy, you know the one supposed to show you everything" he scoffs while rolling his eyes.

I look at him with my face expression tensing, I don't like him. He talks like he's something better. I've heard his name i think my parents know his parents he's a Pureblood too and in Slytherin. That explains his behaviour but if this is the approval to be mean I can be mean too.

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