21. I need you

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Izzy's POV

I'm sure he won't tell them, but this whole situation makes me nervous. I'm capable of wandless magic and I've never noticed it in almost 17 years of my life. I've also never practiced Legilimency, Snape talked about it once but I don't know anything about it.

I'm a Rosier. But what if the Rosier's won't accept me as their daughter.

Isn't it weird, that I've saw them about ten times before. I was in the same room as my biological parents before. And I didn't know, I didn't even know that Iris and Roman aren't my biological parents.

I feel betrayed, but on the other hand they didn't  know the whole truth too.

I feel a hand on my lower back, it's Draco and he pushes past me to open the door for me. I flinch at his touch but not in a bad way, more like I know that someone is there for me. I turn around the corner and then-

They are standing right in front of me, Aurora and Evan Rosier.

My parents.

I see tears rolling down the cheeks of the woman I'm supposed to call Mom. I don't know anything else about her than being a Pureblood and her name. I can't call her like that.

I try to swallow but notice that my mouth and throat is completely dry, there is no salvia left.

I'm not sure what to do, or how to act.
My eyes leave the woman to inspect the man, the man who's convinced that I'm his daughter.

What if I hurt their feelings with not calling them Mom and Dad.

I turn my head to see Draco standing in the doorframe he's looking at me, when our eyes meet he nods his head forward to the Rosiers. I face back to them.

My parents- the Greengrasses, they aren't even here anymore.

"Hello, Isabel. It's nice to see you again, it's been a long time since your 12th birthday." Says Aurora, she steps closer. She wants to hug me, but what- what if I can't control my feelings.

I could hurt her- I could hurt everyone in this room. She opens her skinny arms to embrace me but I back up.

"I uh- sorry." I stutter but she smiles at me, Evan chuckles lightly and I catch myself watching confused at him.

"I don't like hugs too, she's used to it" I can't otherwise but smile at his comment. His wife throws an annoyed glare at him but she breaks out into laughter too.

Mrs. Rosier opens her mouth probably to say something about them being happy to have their daughter back or something but I start talking causing her to press her lips in a straight line.

"Can I ask you something, it's important?" I burst out while stepping back closer to them.

A short look over my shoulder assures me of Draco's presence. I really don't know why I need him, but I feel like he's the one who lied the least to me.

He did it do protect me, eventually he cares about me. No that's stupid why would he.

"Isabel? I said yes, ask whatever you want." Aurora says. My eyes fall back to hers and I need a few seconds to build a sentence with sense in my head.

"Are you- I mean uhm, I don't know how to ask......... Is one of you- actually it doesn't matter." Fuck I need to know. Why can't I just ask.

"Are you capable of Legilimency or wandless magic?" A voice asks from behind me.

It's Draco. I hear footsteps approaching behind me and the spot on my back which was already craving for his touch fills with warm again.

His hand is placed on it again.

I'm not confident enough to meet eyes with anyone in the room right now, so I'm staring at the black wooden floor.

"Actually, we are all capable to use this kind of magic. Every Rosier can do it, but only after years of practice. We are a very strong Pureblood family. Even more than the Malfoy's, Bellatrix and Narcissa Black are capable of Legilimency, I mean they are my cousins but I'm not aware of anyone having it without practice. Why are you asking?"
Mr. Rosier says.

Am I related to Draco?

God that would be awful. No it would be horrible. Why do I keep thinking of Draco and me?
I have to stop this, there are more important things than this.

Draco pinches my back and I know he wants me to answer Evan.

"There's a chance that- yeah to be honest I just experienced the use of it. I can use Legilimency and wandless magic. But I can't control it, it didn't felt like magic more like-" Aurora interrupts me with wide eyes.

"A power inside of you? Did you use spells? If not we're going over to the Malfoy's as soon as possible and before we do that we take a stop a Ollivanders." She's so serious, that I'm scared.

What does all of this mean? And why do I need a new wand.

"Yeah, okay. But can we go to Gringotts too? I'd like to have a few Galleons with me." I say, I don't know for what I could use or need them but who knows what'll happen.

I mean look at me from being a Greengrass to being a Riddle to be the child of one of the most powerful Pureblood family.

And I'm possibly related to Dra- to the Black's another powerful family.

"So you didn't use any spell. That's absolutely not good. 8AM sharp, down here. Owl your parents Draco. Inform them" Mrs Rosier says and I feel a knot in my stomach.

I start to realise that something is miserably wrong, and all of the happening events are far away from bringing good news to us. I have the weird feeling that everything will get worse.

"Then let's get upstairs Izzy, it's late." Draco says and pulls me with him.
I just follow without questioning, I'm to exhausted to think about anything my body is just moving after Draco and my thoughts are anywhere but here.

I snap out of my thoughts when Draco pulls me into his chest while stroking his fingers trough my hair.

"It's okay, I'm here. We'll go together right?" Hiding in his voice is an emotion I've never heard or seen on him.

He sounds almost scared, as if he had something scary in his mind that's about to happen.

"Mmmh." I murmur.

"Draco? Do you know something I don't know about?" I ask, I didn't want to ask it it just slipped out.

He pushes me away from him to look into my eyes.

"No Isabel, I don't know anything more about it than you. Stop letting your overthinking control your trust into people." Is he judging me for overthinking?

He definitely is.

"I probably should go to sleep. Goodnight Draco." I say and step back.

I walk over to my wardrobe and see the big hole Draco's body caused. I'm just standing here glaring at it, it scares me and causes me to overthink everything even more.

Me. My powers. My family. Daphne. Everything. Draco.

I'm thinking of Draco again, he must've noticed that something is wrong because he still didn't leave.

"Here I have some dreamless sleep potion left. Take it." He says while stepping further inside to my room.

"I don't need your pathetic potion Draco. Leave." I feel anger rising up inside of me, not everything can be solved with a potion.

I can't solve my craving for some stupid blonde boy with grey eyes with a potion.

"Fine." He snaps and turns, before the door closes completely words slip out of my mouth I've never thought I'd say one day.

"I need you, Draco"

I feel tears in my eyes shocked by my confession, but it's true.

I repeat myself after not getting an answer, i don't even know if he's still here after I snapped at him like this.

"I need you Draco Malfoy."

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