4. A total mess

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It's been two months now since I  transferred to Hogwarts.

Nothing really changed Malfoy never spoke to me again what's very stupid. In the night after the accident with Flint I really thought he's a good person, someone who cares if you are important to him.

But I'm really twisted about his behaviour, I like that he doesn't talk to me because he won't annoy me this way but otherwise I think somewhere in his cold and mysterious appearance is a hidden soft spot he already showed it to me. What where his thoughts while he cared about me, while he comforted a crying girl who he didn't even know.  After that night he waited for Flint's nose to heal and then he broke it again.

This was the only time we locked eyes again, we locked eyes and a smirk formed on his face like he wanted to say "I told you."

Flint is still disgusting and in his presence I want to start crying, he's horrible and since the accident in Herbology Oliver or Adrian are always by my side. They won't leave me, I really appreciate this but sometimes it's annoying.

Adrian and I are really close, I really like him and the more often I look at him the more handsome he gets. He makes me laugh even when my thoughts are at Flint and the fear of him doing worse things to me. Oliver and I are considered best friends now and it's really like this. We are at the library very often together with my twin and some other students.

I think Daphne has a thing for Oliver, and he likes her too but they don't talk about even if it's obvious for everyone. As my best friend he told me about his feelings but I won't tell Daphne she would freak out completely not knowing how to act.

Oliver and Daphne are trying to get me and Adrian even closer together. They always say we would make a cute couple, and yes I think the same but I can't really say if Adrian thinks this too. Unfortunately he's a good friend of Draco and sometimes he sits with us in the Great Hall. It's not a big deal we just ignore each other, I've never told anyone about the night at the astronomy tower just as if it never happened.
But why are we ignoring each other? He was there for me and nothing has happened that could've changed anything, I mean there wasn't even something to change because we still don't know us. Is he scared that I tell someone about the soft side he showed me that night?


It's Sunday morning and my friends and I are sitting at the Slytherin table for breakfast. As always Oliver is sitting next to Adrian and my sister next to me. We are really a good friend group. I notice my mind drifting off completely while watching Adrian. The others are having a conversation about the weather I guess, I didn't follow it.

I really think I'm on my best way to fall in love.

His hair falls fluffy to the sides of his head, the middle part really fits him well. Every time he moves his hair makes slight movements, why does this look so hot? I don't know if he noticed me staring at him but actually it isn't a staring it's more like admiring.

In the corner of my eye appears a white spot which rips my eyes off of Adrian.

"Yo Malfoy!" Adrian yells.

Wasn't it obvious that it has to be him. He plants his self next to me and I sigh out a bit too loud.

"Oh is this place reserved for Flint? Isabel" is he being serious, two things in one sentence which could make me cry. Why has he be such an idiot. I hate him.

"Of course not, nobody better than you could've taken this place. Malfoy" I snap back, I know he hates it when someone snaps back at him especially when it's a girl.

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