Chapter 100

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A/n: YOWWW 100 CHAPTERS MY DUDES!! Thank you for keeping up with all my typos that I don't notice because I have been using my tablet to update LMAO. I have more things in store for you guys and I hope y'all stay for the ups and downs of the rollercoaster (and my very own personal fantasy book) that is the life of Michelle Martins.

November 20, 2019

I woke up to my phone once again blowing up, but not because of the show, it's because it's my birthday. I smiled and replied to everyone who texted me a greeting before I stood up, noticing the empty space beside her.

She went downstairs to be met with the smell of bacon and eggs. She smiled when she saw Christen cooking while Amelia, Tori and Isabella were watching her while joking around. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of the past year.

In just a year, our family grew. The cast of Black Widow and The Haunting of Bly manor immediately finding a spot in this very huge and dysfunctional family, added with the Reign, USWNT and the New Directions. I couldn't ask for better people to be surrounded by. I have never felt more loved, more seen and more understood in the past year than I have my whole 34 years of living.

The 4 of them noticed that there was somebody by the door and sent the dark haired girl a smile. The rest of the people in the house came down after, the 2 kids and their parents arriving once everybody was sat. I watched them make their way towards my daughter after hugging me and greeting me a happy birthday. I watched everyone with a smile on my face at all of the playful banter that was exchanged.

"Do we really have to film today Mitch?"

Tnia pouted at me, encouraging everyone else to do the same, especially the children. I sighed and shook my head at them.

"I'm sorry guys, we're following a strict schedule."

They groaned and went back to eating, I heard an 'it was worth a try' coming out of Rahul's mouth causing me to chuckle at their antics.

Sometimes the adults act more like the children than the children themselves.

I felt Christen connect my hands with her and I sent her a smile, and she sent one back, as we continued eating breakfast.


Arriving on set, I saw the crew busy with moving things around what was suppose to be the 2nd floor of the house. I nodded and smiled as they greeted me as they passed me, also looking at me expectantly, silently asking me if it was positioned correctly. They quickly learned that I am a precise person and I need everything where they are supposed to be.

We have been filming on the other set all morning, the one with the exterior of the mansion and now we are filming for the interior. It was about 4 in the afternoon already and this is the last scene for today before we continue tomorrow.

"Boss director ma'am, where do you want these 3 ghosts to be?"

I looked at him questioningly.

3 ghost? I don't remember telling them to hire 3 more ghosts? Where the fuck am I going to put them ans what are their backstories?

"More ghosts? I don't remember asking for them."

"I know but Mike hired them."

Without telling me?

I looked behind them amd saw that they were already in costume, having theyr faces covered up in make-up making their faces disappear. One ghost is a woman, another a man and the other a little girl.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked at the set in front of me. I sighed and placed them separately in corners, all while simultaneously thinking of a posibble back story for the 3 people.

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