Chapter 97

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Scarlett gave me the directions to her house, a house that she used to share with her ex husband but she got it after their divorce. We stopped by the grocery store to get some ingredients for the pasta that we were planning on making for dinner because she said that Colin forgot to go grocery shopping.

We turned a corner and I looked around the neighborhood and that's when I realized something.

"Wait, is this Los Feliz?"

Scar looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah why?"

I started squealing and I started slapping her lap in excitement.



I ended up in the kitchen with Scarlett while Colin and Christen were in the living room with the kids. We were cooking Alfredo Pasta and garlic bread. 

"When are you planning on releasing another album, doesn't the record label say something on your contract about that or something."

"Yeah, but I'm signed in Santana and Mercedes' record label and they are less uptight with things like those so it's okay, but I am planning on releasing it next year."

There was a small pause but then I looked up at her with a small smirk on myself.

"Maybe we should work on a couple of songs together."


We ended up staying until 11 at night but then we saw Isabella and Rose starting to get drowsy and we took that as our cue to go home. I hugged the couple and carefully gave back Rose because she fell asleep when she asked me to carry her.

"I swear to god that she likes you more than me."

I chuckled and rubbed the 5 year old's back before moving back and connecting hands with Christen.

"You know children love me Scar, but I'll see you tomorrow. You're still going to come with us look at the property right?"

"I might drop by yeah."

"Take care of the both of them yeah Colin?"

He gave me a smile and nodded his head.

Scarlett and I have developed this sibling relationship, since being casted together, we have spent a lot of night just telling stories about our past, including relationships, so I know a thing or two about the background of 2 of her failed marriages and she knows mine. The knowledge bringing us closer than anybody in the cast. She started confiding in me whenever she is in a dilemma, no matter how big or small like when she and Colin are going for a date night and she doesn't know what to wear. And I do the same, confiding in her when I need advice. We really are platonic soulmates.

Colin gave me one last hug and he did the same with Christen, who was keeping Isabella perched up because her eyes were closing. I grinned and fixed her hair a little before shaking her slightly.

"Say bye to Aunt Scar and Uncle Colin."

She beamed at the coupled and hugged them, kissing their cheeks before going back to leaning into Christen's side. They walked with us to my car before we pulled away from their driveway and drove back home.


The next day, Channing decided to steal Isabella for Auntie day at the beach while Christen and I would be at the site looking over construction. It was relatively fast and they are halfway through building the foundation of the house making sure that it was stable and all. They handed Christen and I hard hats as we looked over everything.

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