Chapter 108

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The She Believes Cup went by so fast, I had reached my 50 goals and we won the Cup. A few days ago we celebrated Isabella's 13th birthday as a team, surprising her with her own jersey and a bunch of junk like cake and Taco Bell. She was showered with all of these gifts and honestly, this just proves the fact that she is super spoiled, with the amount of Aunts that she has it's no surprise there. 

But we have been in Quarantine for 2 weeks now and it looks like it wasn't going to end anytime soon so Chris and I have just been training together with Isabella occasionally joining in but most of the time she's just watching or only joining in when it's swim training. We have also been finishing up the album and planning for the wedding that we plan on having on August, since we think that the Olympics would either be cancelled or moved.

People have been speculating where Christen quarantined, some say Portland since there is where she lived last time and some say she stayed in Utah or LA but no one ever guessed that she was in Seattle with me. We aren't really hiding it but we also aren't screaming it out on the rooftops.

Right now, I just got out of a 2 hour zoom call with Sue Bird,  Scarlett Johansson and Santana Lopez as we set up their discord and the game among us since they were joining our stream. I set Christen's up yesterday and she is going to be playing in our room so there would be no cheating involved.

After making sure that the grandmas know what they were doing, I went to twitch and set everything up before starting the stream.


Is Kelley a part of this?

Yow, she fine tho

"Hello everyone, it's nice of you to join us today. So I am going to be playing Among Us with a bunch of our friends to hopefully entertain you guys while we are in lockdown. I would like to remind you before we begin to please wear your masks and don't go out unless you really need to go out. Always wash your hands and stay safe please. The pandemic is real, I repeat, the pandemic is real. "

I checked the group chat and saw that not everyone is still online so I took it as a chance to talk a little bit more.

"I spent 2 hours in a zoom call with Sue Bird, Scarlett and Santana to help them set up their discord and let me tell you, it was hard. Kelley and Allie helped Alex and Sam helped Kristie but I trust that they already know what they are doing."

Yessss Scarlett

Is Christen playing too?

I still want her to play with Corpse

I heard a bunch of pinging and I saw that almost all of them were online already.

Kelley: Let's get to killing bitches

Alex: Worms calm down

Michelle: Hello Mrs. Preggyyyyy, how is everything going?

Alex: Heeeyyyy Mitch, and everything is going great. The morning sickness is gone which is great.

I chuckled and nodded. 

Tobin: Hello people of the Earth

Kristie: I feel out of place.

Michelle: HEY MS. HEATH!! AND WELCOME KRISTIE! It's so nice to meet you virtually.

Kristie: Yeah, it's great to be here thank you very much. I had been meaning to meet youu, last time we played against Reign, you weren't there so....

Michelle: I'm sorryyyy, I wasn't in town I think during that time.

Becky: You were away doing superstar stuff

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