Chapter 6

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"The game starts at 5:30 later. You still coming?"

I pushed my sunglasses up and nodded. My daughter sent me a huge smile before grabbing her bag from the back.

"Don't forget, you're meeting up with Auntie Pinoe for lunch today. Tell her I said hi."

I chuckled and nodded my head.

"Don't worry Izzy, I know. Be safe and be a good girl."

She ran to my side to give me a kiss before rushing towards the entrance of the school. I was about to drive away when I saw 3 moms approach my way. I groaned and mentally prepared myself for the conversation that was about to happen.

I watched them as they approach the passenger's side, bend down and knock on the window. Thank goodness I was wearing sunglasses so they can't see me rolling my eyes. I rolled the window down and raised an eyebrow at them.

"Hey Michelle. Since you weren't there at the PTA meeting, I just wanted to inform you that I am the president, Janette is the vice president and this is Kim, the secretary."

"Hi, I'm Kimberly, but you could call me Kim. I had never seen you around here, you're probably new."

Kim put her hand through the window towards me to shake my hand but I just stared at it. I watched as she awkwardly put her hands back to her side. Karen cleared her throat before continuing on with whatever she was saying.

"Anyway, we hope to see you during school activities and stuff."

I nodded my head and cleared my throat.

"Is that all? I have somewhere to be."

She nodded her head and I took that as a que that I could leave. I closed my window back up and put my handbrakes down before driving out of school zone, going back home to work out a little before meeting up with Pinoe and her girlfriend.

Once I got home, I cleaned up a bit before doing a quick workout then taking a long cold shower.

I quickly changed into a white colored jumpsuit, with gold low heel sandals and I topped it off with a darkish brown trench coat. I put my long dark hair into a clean sleek low ponytail before I put my sunglasses on top of my head and quickly grabbing my purse where my wallet and phone is.

I checked the time and it was 11:30. 30 minutes to look for the damn restaurant, my anxiety starting to peak as I walked out the door.

I arrived at a restaurant called 'Altura' by 12:10 so I quickly got out of my car and entered the high end restaurant. I played with the gold bracelet I had on my wrist as I looked around the restaurant, once I spotted Sue, since she was taller than Megan, I quickly made my way towards them.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I got lost looking for the restaurant. Kinda new to the area."

Megan whistled as she looked at me up and down.

"Whew, you still clean up well bitchhh, I forgot how good you dress."

"Damn Mama you look hawtt!"

They both egged me on while I playfully spun around and giggled as I sat in front of them.

"It's all good, we just arrived."

I looked through the menu and we started ordering. Once we ordered, all 3 of us sat there waiting for our food to arrive. I looked at both of them and noticed that they were both wearing re inc merch.

A/n: Imagine that they had re inc at 2018, I got too lazy to think of other clothes that they would wear LMAO

"Nice outfits."

Megan looked at their shirts before looking at me excitedly.

"It's by a company  Tobin, Christen, Kling and I own. I'm gonna send you some of our clothes for maybe both you and Isabella. I know you're gonna love it."

I quickly shook my head.

"You don't have to Pinoe, I'll buy my own."

She quickly shrugged me off and flicked her hand at me.


Sue saw my face and chuckled at me.

"I would just accept it if I were you. She doesn't do this a lot. Abby has to beg her to send her stuff."

I chuckled and just nodded my head.

"Send me your address later and Sue and I might deliver it personally to your doorstep."

"Okay stalker."

I felt my anxiety slowly go away as our conversation started to flow. Our food arrived and we talked about the current Tournament of Nations and the up coming CONCACAF world cup qualifying 3 months after that.

"You should go to our game in 2 weeks. I could get you and Isabella field level seats or even at the suites if you're not comfortable around other people, cause knowing how you are with huge crowds."

I chuckled as I saw the desperation in her eyes. I raised and eyebrow at her and smirked.

"Something's up, you look like you're constipated. Spill."

Sue let out a loud laugh while Megan playfully glared at me.

"I hate how you could always read me like a damn book."

"There's a reason why they roomed me with your sorry ass. Now spill."

She sighed and slumped on her seat.

"Fine. I may or may not have told Jill and Becky that we bumped into you and they may or may not have told me to try and convince you to go to our game so they could finally talk to you again. Becky misses you so much and she can't wait to punch you when she sees you and Jill still has hope that you would play for the national team. I haven't tol Ashlyn yet but I'm sure she feels the same way. We all miss you Mitch."

"We will see. I'll let you know what my answer is, I need time to think things over, everything has kind of been a little overwhelming."

She let out a small sigh and nodded her head.

"It's better than a straight up no. Anyway, what are you doing after this?"

I wiped my mouth and put the tissue on my empty plate.

"I'm going to go to Izzy's game. It's her first game in her middleschool soccer career and I want to be there to support her. It starts at 5:30 so I have apporximately 3 more hours."

Megan started bouncing on her seat when she heard that.

"Ohhh, can we come? Can we come? Pleaseeee. It's been a while since I went to these kinds of games."

I looked at Sue, silently asking if she was okay with it and she just nodded. I gave the blonde forward a nod before grabbing my wallet from my purse.

"Fine, but you have to like, kind of disguise yourself a little bit more. I don't want attention to be drawn on us."

"But you're literally wearing a jumpsuit to a soccer game. It's bound to attract people."

I shook my head and brought out money to pay for all of our food. I saw Sue about to protest but I gave her a pointed look so she kept quiet and I sent her a smile.

"I'm literally a forgotten face in the sports world, but you both on the other hand, are not."

She then stood up and dragged me with her out of the restaurant. She's walking so fast I could barely keep up with her, and I looked at Sue in amazement as her long legs strode beside us.

"Did you come here with a car? We just took the uber here. Come on, we have 3 hours to buy a hat or some stuff and I'm so excited to see my favorite niece. Don't tell Syd I said that."

I sighed as I heard Pinoe ramble on while trying to look for my car. This is gonna be a long day.

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