Chapter 69

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I sat there in shock at the revelation that was just casually thrown at me.

"I... I have a sister?"

Cecilia nodded and brought out her phone to show me a picture. I reluctantly stood up and sat beside her to get a better look.

She almost looks like an exact replica of me. I grinned when I noticed that she was wearing my Stanford jersey. I rose my eyebrows at the birth giver who avoided eye contact with me.

"You both have a lot in common, she loves soccer, especially when she found out that you were her older sister. She demanded that I would buy her every one of your jerseys."

I started scrolling the rest of the pictures, the smile not leaving my face.

"She knows I'm her sister?"

She nodded and I smiled before looking at her seriously.

"Are you being a better mother to her than you were to me?"

I saw her look down guiltily before reluctantly nodding her head.

"I would hope so. I try to be the best mother for her."

"Do you force her to so things she doesn't want to do and go ape shit if she 'isn't good' at it?"

She shook her head causing me to nod.

"Are you being 100 percent supportive of her?"

She nodded her head.

"Tell me some things about her."

The smile on my mother's face made me relived but at the same time mad at her.

Relieved because at least I know my little sister has it better than I did but mad because why wasn't she like this with me? She literally stole my childhood, my identity, my dreams and forced me to be someone I wasn't.  They literally kicked me out of the fucking house when I was 16, leaving me to sleep in my car for almost a month straight before Santana found out about what happened.

"After your dad and I divorced, that's when I found out that I was pregnant. She's 9, just turned 9 last January. Her name is Olivia Jane. We found out that she had acute lymphoblastic leukemia a week ago and I don't really have the money for chemo because your dad is being a fucking asshole and just left us after the divorce, refusing to pay child support but we didn't need him. But she literally reminds me of you. You both have the same willpower and passion. She loves you and looks up to you."

I sighed and looked down.

"I didn't really ask for details about your divorce but come through I guess. And I really expected that from Ryan. I'm just happy that she won't be going through the mental and emotional trauma that you and your ex husband gave me."

She nodded her head and reached out to grab my hand but I quickly pulled away from her. She finally got the fucking hint and kept her hands on her side of the couch.

"I didn't get to apologize to you for all the things that you father and I have done. I know what we did was wrong and we are assholes and I understand if you don't forgive me but I just can't live with myself knowing that I could have apologized to you right here right now and didn't. Having Olivia, especially at the age that I got her, made me realize all the wrong things I did when I was raising you. If you would let me, I would like to be there for you and Isabella, and actually be the mother and the grandmother that you both deserve."

I let in a deep breath before closing my eyes, trying to clear my mind. I felt tears start to build up and my head start to throb.

"I... I don't know."

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