Chapter 48

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After receiving that text I have unconsciously shut myself down. My mind running 100 miles per hour, thinking about nothing but everything all at the same time, going back in my shell.

Christen noticed the change of my demeanour as I felt her look up at me.

"Are you okay baby? What's wrong?"

I passed my phone over to her and when she read the text, she tightened her hold on me, pulling me into her.

"I'm scared Chris, I don't know what he will do this time. For sure he is pissed right now."

I felt my girlfriend kiss my forehead and I leaned closer to her.

"I'm not gonna let him touch you and Isabella. I'm gonna protect the both of you."

I gave her a small smile then let out a sigh.

"Let's just hope that you aren't gonna have to do much protecting."

It took me a while to relax and even then, I was incredibly paranoid, looking over my shoulder ever few minutes. I didn't tell Isabella the news because I didn't want her to worry but judging by the way she constantly looks at me as I become paranoid, I think she gets the idea.

She's incredibly smart for her age and sometimes I don't know if that's a good thing, or a bad thing.

"Hey, relax okay? Nothing bad is going to happen to you and Isabella okay?"

I sighed and nodded, cuddling closer into her chest.

"I know. Thank you babe."

She looked at me confused.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"For staying with me."

She gave me a small smile and kissed my forehead.

"I will always be here for you, wether you like it or not, you are now stuck with me. There's nothing you could say or do that could change that."

I grinned and pecked her lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Right now at San Francisco, California for our last camp of this year before we head to 2019. Becky and I are rooming together and Christen is with Julie and Isabella is rooming with The tower of power herself, Samantha Mewis.

To say that Isabella is happy about that was an understatement.

I sighed and plopped on the bed.

We just finished with the welcome meeting and for some reason I feel super exhausted.

"You okay?"

I looked up and and gave her a sad smile.

"He's out again."

She looked at me wide eyed and sat beside me. I leaned into her shoulder and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"We're here to protect the both of you."

"Thanks Reeba. I don't know what I would do without you guys."

The next morning, Stephanie texted me, reminding me of the interview I would be doing with Sam at a radio station here in San Fran tomorrow so I would be doing that after we lift.

I went down with bags under my eyes evident on my face.

Despite me being tired yesterday, I couldn't stop my mind from running so I stayed up late just staring at the ceiling.

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