Chapter 71

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It's mother's day and we have a game against South Africa today. I just woke up with my phone blowing up with messages from fans greeting me a happy mother's day making me grin.

I stretched a little bit before looking at Christen who was meditating at the balcony making me smile. I guess she heard me cause her eyes opened and looked my way. I gave her a sleepy smile as she stood up and made her way towards me.

"Happy mother's day lovely."

I grinned up at her as she bent down to give me a kiss. I pulled her down on the bed with me causing her to giggle and snuggle up closer into me.

Christen's phone pinged signaling a text. She groaned and stood up to read the text.

"They are telling us to go down to the meeting room. Apparently Jill needs to something."

I nodded and got in the shower to freshen up a little bit and put high waisted jeans and a blouse, putting on a fedora hat and sunglasses on. I grabbed my white vans and rolled up my sleeves, showing off the rose freedom tattoo on my left arm.

I heard the door open and I looked up to see Pinoe, Ash, Tobin and Ali standing there.

"Happy mother's day bitch."

"Look at you dressed all gayed up."

I grinned and playfully rolled my eyes then the bathroom door opened. Christen came out wearing re Inc merch looking as gorgeous as always. I held her hand as we made our way down.

When we entered, we noticed the chairs all set aside in one corner confusing us.

"Okay ladies, listen up."

Jill's voice caught our attention as she made her way to the front near the whiteboard.

"First of all.happy mother's day to everyone in this room, to the staff and to Michelle."

The girls cheered and greeted me making me smile shy at them and nod my head.

"And because today is a special day, we have a surprise for you. Since you girls have been working hard, we thought you deserve this. Now if you would please look at the door and welcome our guests."

Before any of us could react, the door opened and the first person I saw run in was Isabella making me squeal. My baby girl ran up to Christen and I as she pulled us in a group hug making my heart warm.

I heard someone clear their throats and we saw Lola and Gran Fran making me grin and stand up to pull the both of them into a hug before Christen went and hugged the two older ladies.


I looked up to see Denise, Megan's mother, make her way towards me.

"Manner jammers, it's been so long."

She pulled me in a bear hug and that caught the attention of Tammye Harris and Jane Sauerbrunn.

"Michelle Loraine Martins where have you been all this time?"

I pulled the both of them into a hug and called Isabella over to us, who was talking animatedly to Christen. I shot my girlfriend a smile that she returned.

"Well, I have been parenting."

Isabella hugged my waist making me grin and ruffle her hair as she looked at the 3 ladies shyly.

"Isabella, these are the mother's if Aunt Becky, Pinoe and Ash. They are played a big part in raising me. Ladies, this is my daughter, Isabella."

They smiled softly and bent down.

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