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It's 5:30am and I am delusional, but also priorities

It feels like my ankle is about to snap, and I really need to lose some weight because I can really feel the strain on my leg right now

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It feels like my ankle is about to snap, and I really need to lose some weight because I can really feel the strain on my leg right now.

God, when did I become so fat?

"On your leg Anna." Katie says in her kind tone as she passes Annabeth. She's slowly walking around while we're all doing bar, warming us up and correcting the class.

Katie is one of the most informal teachers in school and also my favorite.

She's so kind, and it's so obvious she has a love for dance. But rather than forcing you to 'be your best', she encourages you. And personally I think it helps far more than being fearful of your teachers.

It also keeps my love for dance. Otherwise if I grew up with nothing but harsh comments and dirty looks then I don't think I would have even lasted this long.

My passion would have burnt out a long time ago.

"Right Evie, now sternum up, keep those ribs closed and turn out." She directed, standing to the side of me so I could still see in the mirror.

Recently I've been especially trying to impress my teachers because rumors have been going around for background parts in the upcoming tour with the company.

I just want to make my mom and grandma proud, and for them to see me dance on a professional stage, rather than in a small town or school production would be the most incredible feeling. The feeling of worth and accomplishment that I forever strive towards.

Just to be a part of something beautiful.

"Okay, good Evie." She smiles, walking past me quickly correcting Ethan behind me before heading to the front of class and gathering all of our attention.

"As I'm sure you've already heard, the company is looking for upcoming dancers for the next tour. They have asked us whether we thought any students would be interested, and of course we agreed." Katie begins but is cut off by whispers and squeals to which she just laughs herself.

"I've heard that they've picked a third year to be the lead but they have yet to announce what performance it is." Ethan leans forward, whispering in my ear.

I quickly glance at him and raise my eyebrows, to which he only responds with a nod.

Third year students. So that means someone I know will be doing to ballet.

My brain can't seem to grasp that information. Having an opportunity like that basically will make or break your career. But if things do go well, then your life is set.

You wouldn't need to worry about never having a job because people will always want you. Whether that's other companies or schools wanting you in a teaching position. Your life would be set.

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