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The tip of my pointer finger runs around the rim of the coffee mug in front of me, mirroring the image of Evie doing the same

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The tip of my pointer finger runs around the rim of the coffee mug in front of me, mirroring the image of Evie doing the same.

Michael is out back, preparing pastries and cakes for the morning.

Kindly, he's allowing me and Evie to sit in here for a short while, just for a coffee.

I can't help but feel slightly on edge around her still. There's something about her that I can't help but be so intrigued by yet so apprehensive about.

It could very possibly be mind games because of the fact so many people have tried to use me for their own benefit.

But with Evie that's not the case. I am certain of that.

I've known her for a short few hours, but I'm usually a good judge of character.

And I've been the one pushing to spend time with her.

"You said you do ballet, right?" I ask Evie, wanting to know more about her.

All night I've spent telling her stories about me, not finding much out about her.

Besides her view of the Firebird of course.

"Mhm." She hums a simple reply, lifting the mug to her mouth, blowing gently onto the black coffee causing ripples to coast across the surface before taking a sip.

"Have you always wanted to do ballet?" I ask, feeling almost at a loss of conversation because of my nerves.

The first words coming to my head being immediately spoken without consolidation.

He eyes peer over the top of the coffee mug.

They're a beautiful color. Even in this dimly lit coffee shop, they're still so blue.

To have eyes like that look at you, get lost on them as they get lost on you.

"Yea, I mean my grandma did ballet professionally, and my mum did so as a hobby, so I started before I could even walk." She replies, placing her coffee back onto the table.

She didn't answer my question exactly. I think she answered with what she thought I'd want to hear.

Which makes me think she's someone who tries to please others before herself.

"And is it something you want to do?" I question again, hinting at a different answer, still staring in awe of her.

I bring my own coffee mug to my lips, and take a sip of the hot brew.

I'm used to crazy work schedule hours so I've gotten very used to living off of coffee and staying up well into the early hours of the morning.

"Didn't I just answer that question?" She questions back, not understanding my insinuation.

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