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"Sounded like someone had fun last night

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"Sounded like someone had fun last night." The sound of an unfamiliar female voice wakes me.

I roll over onto my back, propping myself up on my elbows, rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hands to adjust to the bright light of the room.

"Would you be quiet, please?" Evie's voice whispered in an almost frustrated shout.

"Oh, he's still here. Let me see then. He must've been good considering you of all people are only just waking up at almost noon." The other voice laughs.

Is that really the time?

I guess I can't say I'm surprised. The sun had begun to rise by the time we both got into bed.

We were up all night talking. And well, a little bit of not talking. And I offered to call a cab, but she was adamant that I stayed.

Which I was quite thankful for because I was exhausted. We both switched out like a light when our heads hit the pillow.

"Would you shh. And so you know, I did not have sex with him last night. What do you take me for?" Evie lets out a short laugh that seems almost awkward.

"Then what exactly was it that was keeping you so occupied when I arrived this morning?" The girl whom I can only assume is the infamous Esme teases.

"It was like trying to talk with a mouth full of toothpaste." Evie responds with a laugh, her shoulders relaxing as she speaks.

I'll be sure to keep that in mind.

My hand cups over my mouth in an attempt to suppress my laughter but rather, I find myself making a mix between a laugh and a cough, causing Evie to look over her shoulder at me.

Her ocean colored eyes widen at my sudden change in state, realizing I heard everything she just said.

Quickly she flicks her eyes back to Esme, her back facing me. She is still in the same bike shorts she fell asleep in but rather than being in the bra she fell asleep in, she's back in the oversized jumper she first changed into when we got back here.

A girl I barely know. And somehow I'm waking up in her bed. After such a night like that.

Mouth full of toothpaste

Before I got to know you

"Well, E. You could have swallowed before trying to reply." The unfamiliar voice began cackling. Which was cut fairly short by what sounded like Evie giving her a lighthearted slap.

"Would you just leave already, you'll be late again if you don't go now." Evie speaks, glancing quickly over to me, giving a small apologetic smile before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind her.

Both the girls' voices become muffled slightly, but not to the point it's inaudible. However, I don't think I should eavesdrop on their conversation.

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