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I never really experienced the whole waking up next to someone ordeal before

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I never really experienced the whole waking up next to someone ordeal before. Mostly because I've never really been in a committed relationship in the same way.

Yes, a few tinder dates and some miscellaneous hookups now and then. But it's different when it's the same person almost everyday.

And it's especially different when you enjoy their company, and aren't itching to kick them out of your apartment in hopes to never see them again, all the while telling them how much you previously enjoyed the night before and you definitely didn't fake your orgasms.

Esme genuinely shocks me when she tells me about the different sex scenarios she's experienced on account of tinder. I'm not really sure where I was going wrong, because what I was getting was definitely not the same as her.

I was convinced we were on two different apps at one point.

But waking up next to Harry is different. Because I enjoy it, and far too much at that. I never wanna leave.

He's so warm and smells heavenly.

And having his arms wrapped around me makes me feel safer than I ever have before.

I still can't quite believe he's my boyfriend.

Even Esme sometimes forgets he's actually Harry Styles, because when it's just us he's so normal.

It's most days I get to wake up next to him now, because if I'm not at his place, he'll be at mine.

He still lets me spend my quality time with Esme, because she'll always come first. She's been by my side since diapers and I can never replace her, we've experienced everything together and truly would do anything for each other.

And Harry understands that.

He admires our friendship, no matter how weird it can get.

So waking up next to him has become my new favorite thing, even if I've been late to rehearsals multiple times because I simply don't want to get out of bed.

However, right now isn't one of those favorite moments where I get to wake up to him, because he's not here.

I don't know where he is right now.

My head is spinning. I dread to think how long I've been asleep because I can just feel the tiredness in my bones and I don't even need to open my eyes to know the sun is already well risen.

It was practically dawn by the time we got home, I do remember that much.

I also remember saying something about wanting to see a sunflower as big as the sun. Which definitely indicates I had far too much to drink and I cannot begin to fathom what other things I said to him.

Another indication that I drank an obscene amount of alcohol is the way I feel right now.

My stomach is in knots and my head feels like it's about to burst from the pressure, and although I feel as though I'll be sick any minute, all I can think about is food.

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