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(This message is for Rosie, so if you're not her keep reading and enjoy) Rosie if you're reading this, stop reading this you are stressing me out.

(This message is for Rosie, so if you're not her keep reading and enjoy) Rosie if you're reading this, stop reading this you are stressing me out

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Two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes, thirty minutes?

I have no idea how long I've been driving for now, but my hands are definitely stuck to the steering wheel from how sweaty my palms are. All I know is she hasn't said anything since we got into the car.

Then again, neither have I.

Am I supposed to say something?

At least it's not completely silent. The radio is on, playing today's top hits. And the road has the casual hum of car engines and the bustle of people on the pavements.

Since I first saw her tonight, I've been fighting myself on whether to tell her where we are going.

It's nothing too elaborate and it would be nice if I were to leave it as a surprise.

For all I know, she could hate surprises. Or what if she hates this surprise? What if I ruin surprises for her completely?

She could think I'm being way over the top for this date, and then I may have fucked things up completely.


I just don't know. And I can't help but fall into the rabbit hole of overthinking that I've visited many times before.

Just before I pulled up to Evie's apartment, Mitch messaged me saying everything was set up and ready to go, which is a little relief.

God I just hope she likes it.

Honestly, I have no clue how to act on a date. It's been a while since I've been on one.

That's just the downside of constantly travelling the world, I have all the opportunities to meet people but no time to get to know anyone.

Same with my life being viewed so publicly, because if I happen to go on a date with someone and the media finds out, then it will be a big news story and the pressure that puts on a relationship kinda just ends up cutting it short.

And I've come to terms a little more with how I have a soulmate. But Mitch was right, with his constant yapping like a puppy about how I'm still 'free' and blah blah blah. I haven't met them yet so I don't need to feel guilty about anything.

For all I know, my soulmate could be right in front of me.

But life isn't that kind. I learned that the hard way.

And until I know for certain who it is then I shouldn't restrict my dating life.

When it came to asking Evie out, I completely forgot I even had a soulmate. My mind went blank and all I knew is I had to see this girl again.

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