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The moment you've all been waiting for... Well, one of them at least.

 Well, one of them at least

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It's been four days.

Four god damn torturous days.

And still no word from Harry.

I don't know if four days is a long time or not. It's not like I'm used to these whole going on date things.

I can count on one hand how many times I've had a one night stand. And I didn't think this was just that.

He asked for my number.

No, he demanded my number.

And yet he hasn't messaged me.

I'm not used to relationships. I had one throughout my whole course of middle and high school, and it didn't even last six months. Then the only other thing I can even begin to compare to a relationship is me and Michael. And that's different because I see him at least every other day in the café.

And he'd always message me after a date.

Here I am, stressing over Harry, a boy I've been on one date with when Michael is sitting there waiting for me.

But I've promised myself I'm not going to let myself get hung up on technicalities. It's always been my downfall. Trying to be too precise, and caring about others far more than myself.

For once in my life I'm doing what I want to do. I'm taking Esme's advice and not worrying about the little things in life, and finally doing something I want to do.

Except for the fact that soulmates aren't exactly a little thing and what I do want isn't messaging me.

I push myself off of the sofa, walking slowly into the kitchen.


My feet walk me over to the fridge, pulling out the half drunk bottle of cheap wine and a mug from the draining board next to the sink.

We have a habit of washing up and never putting it away.

The problem is I couldn't even get in contact with him if I wanted to. I don't have his number, he has mine.

And how else am I supposed to talk to him, I could message him on Instagram. Except the problem with that is he has millions of followers and hundreds of thousands messages each day. He'd never see mine.

And if I could even find out where he lives - which I'm almost sure Esme would do in the blink of an eye - what would I say. I'm positive I wouldn't just be able to walk into the building and even if I managed to speak to someone what would I say.

'Oh I know Harry', I'm sure they've heard that a million times from a million different girls who want to meet him.

So I guess I'll just have to leave it.

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