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"Hey baby, I thought I was meeting you later?" Evie skips over to me with a bright smile across her face

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"Hey baby, I thought I was meeting you later?" Evie skips over to me with a bright smile across her face.

I thought since me and Mitch finished another two songs today I'd surprise Evie by picking her up from rehearsal so we can spend a little more time together. We've both been far more busy recently and I don't want it to interfere with my relationship.

But on the plus side, my new album now has three songs. She, Treat People With Kindness and Canyon Moon.

The other lyrics in my journal are still being thrown around in the air. But so far I'm happy with what I've got.

Mostly because it all reminds me of Evie. Turns out that while looking through the lyrics I have written down so far, they all happen to make me think back to Evie. At this rate eighty percent of this album will be about her.

"Mhm, I know but I thought we could spend a little extra time together considering me and Mitch got finished early. That okay with you?" I pull her into me by her waist, giving her a soft kiss on her forehead which only makes her blush.

The smell of her floral perfume invades my senses and she looks so beautiful in everything she wears. Especially when she has her hair tied in a bun with the red ribbon, her black leotard with lace sleeves, and of course the sweats that have the cats printed on them.

"Yes, just let me grab my bag. I'll be out in a second." She responds, tapping my nose with her finger before spinning around and walking away.

She only takes about a minute in which I stand there, looking around aimlessly. But the guy she's talking to catches my eye.

"I'll see you tomorrow birdie." He laughs, nudging her shoulder with his which makes her giggle. He walks past me out into the hallway giving me a polite nod as he does.

My eyes instinctively follow him as he walks away but I don't say anything.

"H?" Evie questions, looking up at me with furrowed eyebrows as she interlocks our hands.

I hum a small response, my focus being on this mystery man.

"What's up with you?" She giggles, tugging my arm so we can begin walking out to my car.

I'm quick to understand what we're doing, taking the bag off of her shoulder, throwing it over my own so I can carry it.

"Nothing. Nothing's up with me, birdie." I can't help my tone, the words just slip out before I even get a chance to process what I'm saying.

"Are you jealous?" She cackles, before giving me a very sarcastic sympathy pout.

"Ha, ha, very funny." I deadpan.

"Oh my god, you are. Harry Styles is jealous." She squeals as if it's something to be excited about.

Okay, maybe I'm a little jealous. I don't even know why. Maybe it's the nickname, or the fact I know he's touching Evie in places I like to touch her. I know they're dance partners, but that's besides the point.

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