part ten

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" want me to come over to your house?" Tim stared at Jason like he had four heads.

Jason sighed. "No, as I've explained before, my - Selina wants you to come over. She wants to meet you for some reason." He rolled his eyes. "I told her that there isn't much she's missing but she doesn't believe me. She says there's something special about you if you can be my friend."

Tim smirked at Jason. "So you admit we're friends then?"

"Will it get you to my house?"

"This sounds like kidnapping."

Jason groaned. "Drake, you are going to be the death of me and all of my dignity. Yes, we are friends, I will reluctantly  admit that."

Tim beamed at the older teen. "Was that so hard?"

"I am going to kick you in the face."

Tim chuckled. "I'd like to see you try."

"Don't tempt me." Jason narrowed his eyes. 

Tim was about to reply when his phone beeped. He looked down at it with a furrowed brow before turning back to Jason. "Would Selina mind if Bruce came along?"

Jason sighed. "I'll have to ask. What next, are you going to ask if your brother can come, too?"

Tim rolled his eyes. "No, Dick is in Bludhaven. Besides, Bruce wants to meet my friend, too. Is that too hard to believe?"

Pursing his lips and crossing his arms, Jason nodded slowly. "Okay. Whatever. I'll ask." He reached for Tim's phone and Tim pulled back. Jason grunted. "You nerd, I'm just putting my phone number in."

Tim flushed. "Oh. Right."

Jason grinned evilly. "Why'd you pull back so fast? Are you secretly Robin or something?"

Tim scoffed, handing Jason his phone. "As if. Robin is a jerk."

Jason chuckled, typing his number into the piece of technology. "You get it! He is a total asshat." Tim smiled tightly. "Text or call me so I have your number." Tim did just that and Jason gave him the thumbs up. "Sweet. I'll text you tonight what Selina says, 'kay?"

Tim nodded and the two went their separate ways, Tim towards Wayne Manor and Jason to his shared apartment with Selina. 

Jason entered the apartment to find Selina sitting on the couch with a cup of cocoa in her hands. She smiled at Jason when he walked in. "Hey, kitten. How was school?"

The young teen hung his backpack up and sat down next to Selina, blowing a raspberry as he did so. "It was school. Tim agreed to come over, but he wants to know if Bruce can come too? Apparently he wants to meet me too."

Selina nodded slowly. "Okay. Well. We will definitely have to clean the place up a bit if we are going to have the Bruce Wayne over." She chuckled. "Is the rest of the Wayne clan coming as well?"

"That's what I asked!" Jason exclaimed loudly. "Tim says no, but I don't believe that for a second."

Selina pursed her lips. "Right, so I will plan for, what, fifty is it?"

Jason shrugged. "I think Brucie only has Dick, Tim, and now recently a girl, Cassandra or something."

The feline themed thief took a sip of her drink, looking over at her son. "When will this dinner party be happening?"

The boy shook his head. "Not sure, whenever you and Bruce are both free."

Chugging the rest of her drink and standing up, Selina took her mug to the sink and rinsed it out before placing it in the dishwasher. She looked back in the living room at Jason. "Well, you know me, I'm free most of the time. So, this one is on Bruce."

Jason pulled his phone out and texted Tim the new information, informing his friend that Selina approved Bruce coming over and that it was on Bruce to pick a date. Tim said that he would get back to Jason on that. "Tim is going to ask Bruce when he wants to do dinner."

"Excellent. Now, Jay, I have scheduled a physical for you in two weeks." Jason groaned and Selina sighed. "I know, I know. Who likes doctors? But this is important. We have to make sure you are healthy."

"I am!"

"And I believe you. But school needs a physical on file and one of the conditions of your adoption was doctors visits and school attendance." Selina reminded the teen. Jason pouted but nodded. "So you'll go?"

He grumbled in response. "Fine." She made her way into the living room and kissed his head, thanking him. Jason's phone beeped with a message and he checked it. "Tim says Bruce wants to do dinner this Saturday? Does that work?"

Selina shrugged. "Sure, that seems fine by me. I don't have any plans that day. You?"

"Nada. So I can confirm?" Selina nodded and Jason replied to Tim that Saturday worked for the Kyles. Tim instantly sent an alien emoji and Jason rolled his eyes, tossing his phone onto the couch as he stood up to walk around the piece of furniture to see what Selina was doing in the kitchen. "What are we doing for dinner tonight?"

Selina looked in the fridge, a frown on her lips. She informed Jason of the lack of food in their fridge and cabinets. "Takeout?" Jason agreed and Selina grabbed out the menus, tossing them on the kitchen table for the duo to go through. They ultimately decided on pizza, Selina calling it in to their favorite shop. 

Twenty two minutes later their pizza arrived and they were seated at the kitchen table each with a slice of pizza pie in front of them. They dug into their food in silence, the only sounds in the apartment was the sound of their eating and the occasional purr of a cat. 

Once they were done eating and the leftovers were put away, dishes in the dishwasher, the mother son duo sat on the couch in front of the coffee table, Jason with his homework and Selina with a book, Isis between them.  Selina pet the cat as Jason worked on his homework, a soft smile on her face as she was content with her life, mentally prepping for Saturday.

So I was requested to update this by NPtb123 and I was halfway done with it anyways. Sorry it has been like 6 months since I updated it. Also, I ***may*** be updating stories now and then just to finish them and then I will be done. I'm not sure. I was rereading some of my unfinished stories and felt inspired. Especially this one. 

I am so on/off with everything. I'm sorry. 

Also, this is such a filler. 

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