part one

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I'm trying to come up with a good name for Jason but I can't think of one, does anyone have any suggestions?

The sun shone in the windows of Selina Kyle's apartment, landing on the sleeping form of one Jason Todd. He rolled over, pulling a pillow over his head. "Stupid sun..."

"That's nature's way of telling you you've slept too long. Up and at them, kitten." Jason pushed the pillow off his head, narrowing his eyes in confusion at Selina as she stood in comfy clothes in the doorway of his bedroom. She smirked at him, arms crossed over her chest. "What? Did you forget I was here? This is my apartment after all."

Jason huffed, sitting up as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Didn't forget. Where's the coffee?"

Selina laughed, motioning for Jason to follow her. Jason got out of bed and did as he was asked, stepping over one of Selina's cats. The duo made it to the kitchen where Selina had a pot of coffee brewing. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"What do you have?" Jason yawned, pulling himself to sit on the counter.

"I can make us some eggs and toast, or there is hot and cold cereal. Your choice."

"Hmm. Eggs sound good. I can cook them though, after all, I am living here basically rent free. It is the least I can do." Jason shooed Selina out of the way, hopping off the counter to get to the fridge. He pulled out the carton of eggs. "How many do you want?"

"Two should be fine. I'll make the toast." Selina grabbed a pan for Jason, handing it to him before reaching for the bread. "Thank you, Jason."

"Don't mention it." Jason smiled softly, melting butter into the pan. "How do you want them?"

"Scrambled, please."

"You got it." Jason cracked four eggs into the pan, breaking the yolks. He continued to cook in silence, the only sound the sizzling of the eggs in the butter. Once they were done, he divided them in half and placed them on two plates, handing one to Selina. She placed two slices of toast on his plate, leading him to the table. They sat down, eating in the quiet for a moment. "Hey, uh, when do my thieving lessons begin?"

Selina smiled, taking a bite of her toast. "I figured I would give you a day to get settled, maybe start them tomorrow. How does that sound?"

"Works for me." Jason scooped some egg onto his fork, shoveling it into his mouth. "So, what are your cats' names?"

"Oh, I don't name them. I see them as independent beings. Besides, names are for lesser creatures, such as humans." Selina smirked, sipping her coffee.

"That's crazy. What do you do when you want to call one over for pets?"

"I don't. They let me know when they want to be pet. I provide them food and water and shelter. They grace me with their presence."

"Can I name them?" Jason asked, a certain sparkle in his eyes that reminded Selina that he was still a child, only twelve years of age.

"Go for it. Can't promise I'll call them by your names though." Selina took another bite of her toast, watching with amusement as Jason pointed at each cat and named them.

"-and this one is Isis." Jason pointed at the black cat sitting in the window sleeping.

Selina just laughed. "Isis. I like it."

"Good." Jason grinned triumphantly, sipping his own mug of coffee. "'Cause it is sticking as long as I'm here."

They continued with their breakfast in quiet, finishing up and placing their dishes in the sink. Selina looked to Jason. "Well, how does getting you some clothes sound?"

"Really? You'd buy clothes...for me?"

Selina put a hand on Jason's shoulder. "Of course I would. I can't have you wearing the same outfit over and over again. Besides, what kind of caretaker would I be if I didn't?"

"I can take care of myself." Jason huffed.

"I know you can. Now, shopping?" Selina grabbed her wallet off the table. "By the way, I saw you sneak some cash from my wallet when I was putting the dishes in the sink. We need to work on your finesse."

"Damn. Do I need to give it back?" Jason reached into his pocket for the cash, stopping when Selina held up a hand.

"No, no. You earned it. Now let's get going before the shops get too crowded. I have a few things I need to pick up as well." Selina wrapped an arm over Jason's shoulders, leading him out of the apartment and down to the streets below. The duo maneuvered their way through the crowded Gotham streets, making their way towards the shopping district. They entered one of the shops and Selina motioned for Jason to take a look around. "Pick out anything you like that fits. My treat."

"Are you sure?" Jason hesitated.

"Of course, kitten." Selina watched as Jason smiled shyly, making his way further into the store. She walked around, looking at the selections of clothing for herself. About fifteen minutes passed before Jason returned, a few articles of clothing in his arms. Selina raised an eyebrow. "That's all? Jason, you can get more than that if you'd like."

"I don't like having people buy me things." Jason muttered, shuffling his feet.

"Well, think of it this way. You'll be paying me back with your help during jobs." Selina placed a hand on Jason's shoulder, turning him back towards the clothes. "Now, let's go find you a new wardrobe, yeah?"


Jason and Selina spent about an hour in the shop, Selina sitting on one of the stools as Jason came out in different outfits to show her. She would give her input on what style of clothing she thought fit him best and he would agree or disagree, finding a good sized stack of clothes to buy.

Selina looked at the new pile in Jason's arms. "There. That's better." Jason followed Selina to the register, thanking her the entire time. Selina smiled, ruffling his hair. "Of course, kitten. My new partner can't be running around in rags, can he?"

Jason smiled brightly, taking the bags from Selina and trailing after her out of the shop. They went into a few different stores, following the same routine, before deciding to drop their goodies off at the apartment. "Now what?"

Selina smirked. "Now, my little stray, how would you like to start your lessons a day early?"

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