part twenty three

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Running across the rooftops of Gotham, Jason ignored the burning in his lungs as he made his way back to his apartment that he shared with his mom and  her two friends. He needed to let her know that Robin was in danger, she would tell Batman and he would protect Tim, right? 


Without any thoughts to the consequences to himself, the teen burst into the apartment via the window. "Mom! Mom, are you here? I have something to tell you!" A vine wrapped around Jason, pulling him into the apartment and planting him firmly on the couch. He looked up to see his mom, Harley, and Ivy standing there with their hands on their hips. Jason sighed. "I know you are upset - "

"Upset? Upset doesn't even begin to cover it!" Selina snapped, tears in her eyes. "Jason, I thought you died. Do you have any idea how scared I was, seeing you fling yourself off the  edge of that roof?"

"I'm sorry, mom, but can we put a pin in this? There is something really important I have to tell you." Jason was near panicking, the thought of the unconscious bird he left behind on the roof haunting him.

Tim was a sitting duck right now, unless he did something.

"That important something better be 'I'm sorry'!" Selina narrowed her eyes at Jason, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Jason winced. "If I apologize, will you listen to me? There is something dangerous going on with Black Mask, I overheard it while I was spying and - "

"What?! You spied on Black Mask?" Selina roared, color draining from her face. "Do you have any idea how dangerous that man is?"

"Yeah, I know, I know! Will you please let me talk?!" Jason cried out. 

Sighing, the mother of one pinched the bridge of her nose. "Jason, I am too upset right now to have a civil conversation with you."

Feeling his chance slipping away, Jason lashed out on instinct. "You never listen to me! Am I really not worth your time?"

Selina stared long and hard at her son and Jason felt guilty over his words. "We are both quite heated right now. Let's continue in the morning." She turned to her clownish friend. "Harley, take Jason to his room. Make sure he doesn't leave."

Ivy put  a hand on the feline thief's shoulder. "Selina, let's get you some tea."

Harley gave Jason a sympathetic look, taking his arm and leading him down the hallway. "Sorry, kid, but I gotta listen to your momma. And so should you."

"Ugh, this is so unfair! Why must I listen to hear if she won't do the same for me?" Jason grunted, allowing himself to be pulled down the hallway into his room. 

Closing the door behind them, Harley watched Jason as he tossed everything off his desk onto the floor. The doctor sighed, approaching the raging teen. "Kid, making a mess won't solve anything. Just try to take some deep breaths and maybe your mom will listen to ya later tonight, okay?"

"I'll be too late!" Jason choked out, staring helplessly at the woman. Harley furrowed her brows, motioning for Jason to explain himself. "I overheard Black Mask plotting to kill Robin. And I ran into the boy wonder earlier tonight, leaving him unconscious on top of Wayne Tech. Black Mask is bound to find him and when he does - " Jason clenched his fists, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. "Please, Harley. You'd do anything and everything in your power to save Ivy, wouldn't you?"

"Well of course!" Harley answered without hesitation. 

"I'd do the same for Robin. Please, let me go save him. I'll take full responsibility for everything, just please, don't let him die." 

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